When invoking the "Fed", the more pertinent example is Ruby Ridge rather than Waco. It can also be argued that the whole idea of the "Fed" is a sort of disciplinary and sorting method for dissidents. Anyone that can't keep it in their pants so to speak isn't worth trusting your back to. It does not matter if one is a Fed or not. If they cannot be disciplined enough to not wave signal flares at Sauron then they should be shunned.

These ideas also don't come from nowhere. The FBI is famous for instigating events that they plan just so they can bag some 80 IQ patsy and give themselves commendations. These people are predominantly weak pencil pushers at desks after all.

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the Adam Curtis HyperNormalisation segment you played in a video last year about the Russian regime funding both sides of the political chaos is really mind-wormy and relevant w/r/t the "idea of the fed". It's constantly in my mind now - when Keith Woods et al angrily rebut fed accusations against Patriot Front, I can only think "what if Keith and Joel are feds?".

Is it possible to escape this? I don't want to be constantly questioning my friend/enemy sensitivity.

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It's strange to think that at one time a BBC series (Fall of Eagles) would have an entire episode about Russia funding and fighting it's own opposition. A little too dangerous of an (accidental?) red-pill.

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There is a way past this: Courage. Either we do what we must do or just take the blue pill and go back to Matrix. I, for one, care not who the feds are...I plan on bringing their system down by creating a new one, in spite of them. I think AA is saying we can simply ignore them and go about our business of rebuilding civ I lization

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The reliance on panem et circenses to hold down the common yeoman will be dangerous going forward. The more the System spends it's energy on perception (There are no bare shelves in Ba Sing Se) and less on reality (actually getting food back on the shelf) the better. The denizens are already getting anxious in the current situation (which is only the lack of food choice, not the lack of food).

The modern circuses are also going to be less effective. The video game industry is suffering greatly from "cultural enrichment" and even though "go woke, go broke" is a fallacy the ability of video games to straight up function is a growing issue going forward. The magicians in charge of Hollywood's smoke and mirrors of distraction are of lower quality than yesteryear. One just has to look at the stats of the Olympics, the Oscars, and the Oprahs to see their ability to distract the masses is slowly waning.

We'll see if this reaches a critical mass before they relearn to "educate" and "satiate" the public.

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Vidya has a lot of practiceable reactionary elements to it, a lot of people in this community came over from gamergate.

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Gamergate is just the beginning of the System accidentally expelling trouble-makers from their bread & circuses.

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I like your thinking sir...from whence come ye?

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I think this is kind of a fanciful estimation. By definition, anarcho-tyranny IS the manifestation of the ‘No-Go Zones’, BLM, Antifa, non-white crime sprees, and the unwillingness of law enforcement to crack down on these things. So, we cannot use these instances as an appraisal of how they would respond to “fascists” or “nazis” for whom they reserve the utmost tyranny. Perhaps in the realm of foreign policy, the Taliban also exist more in the ‘anarcho’ sphere of that strategy, and the military simply consumed the limited resources allotted to such a nonessential target. If we just restrict the evidence to cases where the suspects were successfully labeled ‘fascists’ or ‘nazis’, the outcome is always the ‘tyranny’. But I am willing to concede this may be a motivational essay of sorts, and I will leave it at that.

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AA himself has said that the ideology of the regime is anti fascist which makes a whole lot of sense when you think about it. The regime will stop at nothing to crush the most pure form of modern fascism: white people organising.

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Agree. There are white no go areas in the UK, rough estates, they are like that because the police don't care about crime and disorder, if they were "right wing" areas then maybe we would see a different response from the police.

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We must understand that any form of Balkanization or local parallel societies will (probably) be religious in nature.

I don't say this simply because that's my preference, but because these are the only successful examples we have in the modern West - from the millions of Anabaptists in America (Amish, Mennonites) or even the separatist South Africans in Orania, who are staunch Calvinists.

Something transcendent must bind these groups and sheer necessity or materialist identity clearly aren't enough to go the distance. There were many politically-motivated hippie communies in the 60s and 70s, none of which are still around. The Feds may take pot-shots at high-profile Amish like Amos Miller, but the reality is there are thousands of these communities throughout the Heartland, so we can put this in the "fox optics" category of persecution.

While it's a personal anecdote, the vast majority of armed homesteaders who are interested in parallelism in the rural Midwest USA are some flavor of religious. Their greatest weakness is that they're fairly atomized right now and only their Churches can serve to bring them together meaningfully.

An important article!

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They missed the chance to declare the New California Republic.

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Geography doesn’t negotiate. America will be Sea to Sea no matter how many oceans of blood.

Any breakup leads to wars of reunification that really are silly given our geography.

This AA fellow isn’t American, is indeed an agent, and provocateur.

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Geography doesn’t negotiate. America will be Sea to Sea no matter how many oceans of blood. Any breakup leads to wars of reunification that really are silly given our geography.

I don’t think you studied the Balkans: the remnants of former Empires from Romans to Bulgars to Constantinople to Ottoman to 19th century Nationalism which was pushed quietly by England and not so quietly by Russia, France, even Turks at their end;

Actual Balkanization Requires the respective states have foreign alliances, in America the oceans and nuclear weapons prevent this, not that it’s desirable for Americans, English perhaps.

Without the English and Russians, no Balkans. This is nonsense. No American would give it serious consideration, but of course you’re not American.

Pure European mischief.

You really are an agent aren’t you? Ha ha.

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Consider breaking your writing out into more paragraphs.

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Number 3, the criminal underworld.

The dark lord's adventure into Afghanistan was a double whammy attack on Britain.

On the one hand, the administration of the Soviet union, who brought Blair to power, fled Gorbachev's reforms after asset stripping the empire still believed they could seize Afghanistan's mineral resources.

Britain had no appetite for war, but Soviet owned British media made sure we sacrificed blood and treasure.

To achieve this, the fine men of the British army were made to trust and train the Northern Alliance, a rag tag bunch of heroin dealing rapists who were opposed to the Taliban. Sure, the enemy's enemy and all that

They, coincidentally, shipped their heroin though Europe's islamofascist state of Albania.

I wonder deals were brokered by MI6 to allow heroin to flood British streets in exchange for military "assistance" in central Asia

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>Virginia not in Dixie

>WV in Dixie

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Welcome to the struggle son come check out my substack n youtube join the discord we been on this for 4 or 5 years now

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Idaho in the same political unit as Oregon and Washington just ain’t gonna happen. Now, Oregon and Washington east of the Cascades joining Idaho, totally plausible.

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While many glowing ones prowl the streets, they can't be every where at once. Small organizations grow around groups of friends with mutual interests: firearms, church, book clubs, martial arts groups, things like that. These small groups can form cells and spider-web to one another creating a series of semi-isolated high-trust cells. The regime fears small local organizations forming because those inevitably become large kinetic organizations over time capable of winning elections or battles.

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