The GAE is a soft managerial regime.[1] It is important to recognise that almost everything it does is in the realm of perception management. We saw this most recently with the pandemic: almost everything it did amounted to what Moldbug has called ‘governance theatre’.[2] When a supermarket minion asks you to put on a mask and you tell them that you have tested negative, they will invariably come back with how it might make other customers feel. Back before the internet existed, Walter Lippmann discussed a concept he dubbed ‘pseudo-environment’.[3] Lippmann did not believe that ‘public opinion’ existed but rather was crafted on behalf of the pleb by the media. His contemporary, Edward Bernays, relied on exploiting this fact effectively to reprogram ‘the public’ to do whatever he wanted it to, from smoking cigarettes to supporting progressive causes.[4] In this game of perception management, it does not matter if a person actually believes in X, what matters is that they perceive that everyone else does. The BBC were past masters of this persuasion frame: even though opinion polls consistently show mass immigration to be deeply unpopular with the British public, on their flagship current affairs debate show Question Time, the BBC would routinely present a panel with four pro-immigration voices against a lone anti-immigration voice. The studio crowd would cheer the pro-immigration voices and boo the anti-immigration voice. This is barely a step removed from pro-wrestling with the anti-immigration voice playing the heel. What this serves to do is to isolate granny at home watching the show, it creates in her mind the perception that her anti-immigration stance – held by at least 60% of the public if not more, at any given time – is in fact a despised minority view. The regime has been, at least up until now, expert at these sorts of theatrics designed to persuade and manage perception.
However, there are shortcomings to this soft managerialism. One such short-coming is that if everything is a PR game, if all elites ever do is try to manage the perception of granny, ‘kill’ stories, make decisions to avoid the dreaded social-media BACKLASH and so on, then actual problems are simply not dealt with. The gap between reality, which is to say lived experience, and media projection grows wider. Some ghastly perfume ponce such as Tom Harwood might be on the television telling you that that we should go out and enjoy the vibrancy and benefits of multiculturalism, but lived experience tells us that Sadiq Khan’s London is a crime-ridden hellhole in which you’re many times more likely to be stabbed than in an all-white area. Noted counter-jihad mouthpiece, Raheem Kassam, had enough material on No-Go Zones in places like Paris to write an entire book about it a few years back.[5] Similar No-Go Zones are found in other hubs of diversity in the USA, such as Chicago, New York, LA and so on. In these places, the police have simply given up on trying to maintain law and order. It may be for political reasons – for example, in Chicago, it is said that the police do not respect the dysgenic cretin Mayor Lorie Lightfoot. Or it may be for practical reasons – for example, in Paris, the police will have their cars burned to the ground should they try to intervene.[6] But, whatever the proximate causes, the result is an area that is de facto under the control of some force other than that of the state. In other words, the state’s monopoly of violence has been broken. Vilfredo Pareto liked to talk about Class 1 and Class 2 elites, foxes and lions. Foxes rule by cunning, using the sort of gay perception management games I’ve already discussed, and Lions rule by force and coercion. Foxes are loathe to use force: they are often unable and unwilling to do.[7] When the persuasion game is broken, when populations simply do not do as they are told, they will not use the necessary force required to bring them to heel, as seen in the No-Go Zones. Here all the limp-wristed, feminine liberal journalists of the West can do is to claim that the No-Go Zones are a myth.[8] Paris itself launched a pathetic lawsuit against Fox News.[9] But the lived-reality to anyone who has so much as set foot in Paris quickly reveals the truth.
Now many readers may be quick to explain this away as some commitment on their part to political correctness. The reasoning goes like this: were those places white areas rather than black or Muslim ones, they’d soon crack down. What makes you so sure? The fact remains that whenever the soft managerial regime has been tested by political groups willing to use force, they have capitulated. They capitulated to the IRA, they capitulated to Jihadis, they capitulated to low-level thugs and hood rats in the ghetto. And this brings me to my chief theme today: the prospects of de facto autonomous regions springing up within the GAE. For the most part, to date, these have been black and Muslim areas, but I do not believe it is out of the realms of possibility for white and / or explicitly right-wing areas to be established. There are three spheres of control:
1. Formal politics
2. Direct action (the politics of violence)
3. Criminal underworld
We might say level 1 is the level of government, level 2 is the level of the national guard or military, and level 3 is the level of the police. In each of these spheres, the GAE currently operates in tacit alliance, although the specifics may vary from place to place. As I mentioned, in Chicago, Mayor Lightfoot does not enjoy the support of the police, thus she needs to call on her own brigands such as ANTIFA or BLM to do her street-level bidding in areas she already controls and which have not been lost to Hispanic or black street gangs. ANTIFA and BLM are ersatz foot soldiers for the regime – a mercenary army of spiteful mutants. In areas with a more obedient and pozzed service, such as in London, police will be told to stand down or take a knee against these political operatives. If the regime is Sinn Feinn, then ANTIFA and BLM are the IRA. However, unlike the IRA, ANTIFA and BLM never actually target anywhere that is opposition-controlled. So they are more like a fake-IRA – the sort of IRA that only a regime that relies on perception management would conjure up. I am suggesting, therefore, that were the regime faced with something like the ‘real deal’, they could not realistically rely on ANTIFA and BLM as actual street muscle, because they’d take a pounding. Now imagine if this ‘real deal’ were to make strategic alliances with the criminal underworld who may also have the power to bribe cops and even police chiefs. Why not?
This will happen in the USA first, if it happens anywhere. As the regime targets ‘whites’ with ever more spiteful relish, the total number of young men with limited job prospects and no education above high school will increase. Currently 60% of undergraduates are women.[10] Ah, you might cry, but whites don’t do this sort of thing, we’re civilized! I ask you: who made up the brown shirts of Moustache Man? Who joined Mussolini’s black shirts? The regime has made terrible strategic errors in alienating white men, especially young ones full of piss and vinegar. The reason the regime is currently so startled and forever bleating about the prospects of ‘domestic terrorism’ and the threat of ‘white nationalists’ is not because this actually poses a threat today, but because it is inevitable that such threat will materialise. Remember, the GAE is always working towards perception management, they want to try to head these things off at the pass and to give the impression that any attempts at something like Mussolini’s March on Rome will be crushed with massive force. But, I suggest, this is a bluff. Eventually they will be called on it.
However, before anything so grandiose takes place, I think it is likely we will see de facto balkanisation happen first. Local-level police in America, of the ‘Sheriff’s Office’ variety, already do not comply with a wide range of federal mandates and simply will not enforce their edicts. Outside of the cities, then, there are many little towns that only partially comply with the regime. At State level, there has been increased conflict between the White House and Governors across two presidents now. Massive defiance over Covid measures has severely weakened Joe Biden’s authority – if indeed the illegitimate Shadow King ever had any to begin with. However, the issue with much of the political back and forth in the USA is that it has been symbolic. Trump relied on tweets and speeches that never actually materialised into policy. Now Biden and various GOP governors play similar theatrical games. In 2020, things seemed like they would become kinetic, first with the Astroturfed BLM riots, then with the insurrection, the worst attack on US soil since Pearl Harbour! But things have calmed down since then. I believe a lot of the hysteria around January 6, the massive guard rails put around Washington DC, the obviously over-the-top imagery and narrative played large by corrupt legacy media, and so on, signals nervousness on the part of the regime. They fear, more than anything else, the prospect of having to exercise force. Why? Because they are foxes. Many will say that they seem mad enough to do anything, this much is true, but it seems that for now at least their cheap parlour tricks have put off any further action on the part of dissidents. And so long as said dissidents are disparate and disorganised, they do not really have anything to fear.
The regime currently has two aces up their sleeves: video games and Feds. How do you stop hundreds of thousands of disgruntled young white men from coalescing into street gangs, becoming ungovernable, and eventually joining the new Joe Rogan black shirt army? Keep enough of them playing stupid anime games and dreaming of becoming little girls who wear miniskirts, and you might just stave off the crisis. That’s why they rail against the right’s attacks on porn and such other control mechanisms like so many screeching and drowning dolphins. So long as most disgruntled youth are permanently online, they are not becoming street gangs or black shirts. This is good for the regime and bad for the prospects of balkanisation. The other ace is the idea of the fed. Not actual feds, but simply the idea of the fed serves as a Foucauldian panopticon – a self-regulating mechanism – that essentially dissuades dissidents from ever organising and ever attempt to take the real, kinetic sort of action that history is made of. The idea of, for example, Waco, looms large in the consciousness. The idea of the FBI and the CIA as all-seeing, all-conquering, all-infiltrating, all-knowing organisations is perhaps the greatest line of the defence that the regime has. But like everything else, this is mostly perception management. Now go back to your little Anime game and your miniskirts and get out.
[1] Samuel T. Francis Leviathan and Its Enemies (Arlington, VA: Washington Summit Publishers, 2016), p. 526.
[2] See
[3] Walter Lippmann, Public Opinion (New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co.: 1922), p. 17.
[4] See Edward Bernays, ‘The Engineering of Consent’, in Public Relations (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1952), pp. 157-68.
[5] Raheem Kassam, No Go Zones: How Sharia Law Is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You (Washington, DC: Regnery, 2017).
[6] See
[7] Vilfredo Pareto, The Mind and Society, ed. Arthur Livingstone, trans. Andrew Bongiorno and Arthur Livingstone, 4 vols (1916; New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1935), vol 3, §1811, p. 1260.
[8] See
[9] See
When invoking the "Fed", the more pertinent example is Ruby Ridge rather than Waco. It can also be argued that the whole idea of the "Fed" is a sort of disciplinary and sorting method for dissidents. Anyone that can't keep it in their pants so to speak isn't worth trusting your back to. It does not matter if one is a Fed or not. If they cannot be disciplined enough to not wave signal flares at Sauron then they should be shunned.
These ideas also don't come from nowhere. The FBI is famous for instigating events that they plan just so they can bag some 80 IQ patsy and give themselves commendations. These people are predominantly weak pencil pushers at desks after all.
the Adam Curtis HyperNormalisation segment you played in a video last year about the Russian regime funding both sides of the political chaos is really mind-wormy and relevant w/r/t the "idea of the fed". It's constantly in my mind now - when Keith Woods et al angrily rebut fed accusations against Patriot Front, I can only think "what if Keith and Joel are feds?".
Is it possible to escape this? I don't want to be constantly questioning my friend/enemy sensitivity.