
This is really superb, but I think overstates the solidarity of the managerial US elite in the 20th century. I am of course merely a Millennial who myself is trying to figure out what happened, but here are some pieces that I think I have a grip on.

Two elements that I am quite sure of:

(1) Anglo American virtue was not entirely fraudulent during the early to mid 20th century. Consider HW Bush, who was born into a wealthy family, enlisted in the Navy, and was eventually shot down and nearly killed in a raid in 1944. That's not bone spurs.

Consider Churchill (who I am not a fan of), who repeatedly exposed himself to danger during the war, including an experience where he was shelled by German artillery near the Rhine in 1945. I do not believe this story is apocryphal, although perhaps it is overstated how close it was.

Other examples are the enormous marginal taxes paid by the rich during the period, Hayes code in Hollywood, etc. As best as I can tell, as another example, John Wayne truly regretted not serving in the War.

(2) Post-war US is host to a vicious knife fight between Jews and WASPs, with Catholics playing both sides opportunistically. This is extremely well documented, so I will not belabor the point here, but I will note that once one is on the lookout for anti-WASP propaganda in 20th century film and other media, it can be difficult to stop seeing it.

Didn't realize that Ghostbusters is anti-WASP propaganda? Well: the ghostbusters are 1 Jew, 2 Catholics and a black guy. The other protagonist in the film is the mayor, who is also catholic. The villain is the EPA guy who is a WASP ("Peck"). The writers are Akroyd (Catholic) and Ramis (Jewish).

Or consider the Simpsons. The main villain is Monty Burns, a WASP, and the one prominent Jew is the beloved Herschel Krustofsky, aka Krusty the Clown. Animal House, Caddyshack, etc. are further entries in this genre.


So all of that is to say, I do NOT see harmony among the American managerial class in the 20th century. The 1960s revolution may be astro-turfed and driven by elite actors, but at the elite level, it absolutely represents a bona fide Catholic and Jewish revolt against Protestant America, which had reached its Apex in the 1950s. The 1950s wasn't fake... Protestant America just lost and then became fake and degenerate after its defeat.

The real problem faced by the WASPs was that they overestimated their strength. They didn't realize that that they were a bunch of trumped up country bumpkins, and absolutely unprepared to become center of the world in 1946. Traditional America is a bit like if Unobtanium were discovered in Alabama. How quickly would Alabama elites get bulldozed by elites from New York and California, once they drew their attention?

That's what happens to the Americans. The US becomes the center of the world, and it draws in all sorts of opportunistic elites from the Old World (plus the Jews forced there at gunpoint), that steamroll the traditional American elites, who are too open, too trusting, and too underprepared for real top-shelf process and narrative manipulators from the Old World. The new elites replace traditional American culture with a lowest-common-denominator "liberalism" which is a thinly disguised excuse for the new diaspora elite to make as much money as possible while not having to conform to anyone else's culture or make any investments in the country. We call these systems "liberal" or "libertarian" but they are really just mechanisms to market the diaspora elite self interest to the public.

But all of that is to again say that 1950s America wasn't fraudulent - it just lost to the diaspora elite.

By the way, the 1990s to me and the "Gingrich revolution" in Republican (i.e. Traditional America) politics is the Traditional American elite realizing that the public just insists on voting for liars, so the Republican party will just lie about everything too. This is a not totally unjustified response to the election of Bill Clinton over HW Bush. Unfortunately, it has left us in a situation in which the ENTIRE US elite, including WASPs, act in an alienated way to the public, i.e. as diaspora.

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One thing I forgot to mention. I really like the descriptor "Boomer Truth Regime". I sort of imagine the "eternal boomer" sitting in Plato's Cave, staring at a TV.

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Mark Weber makes an excellent point of this in one of his appearances on Guide to Kulchur (Frodi's show). The California WASPs were steamrolled by California's current elite because they did not see themselves as a coherent and organized ethnic group, but rather as courageous individualist entrepreneurs who'd gotten rich through their own merit (over several generations), so they almost willingly ceded the levers of power to the organized ethnic mafias which barged into their territory.

WASPs respect wealth and intellect. Jews respect Jews. Only one of those groups can prevail in a conflict.

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To add a bit more evidence to your overall thesis, I grew up as 'Gen X' in the early 1970s and I was struck as a precocious kid by the concern with 'mixed marriages' in popular culture. Through context it became clear that they were talking about Catholic-Jewish pairings, not black-white.

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"On a side note, because the British lost more than the Americans in the war, in the 1950s and beyond, there was a cadre of old ruling class types who would not play ball, including significant portions of the civil service, rogue Oxford and Cambridge dons, military men, and even major politicians – but this is a story for another post."

Very much looking forward to this.

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"Undoing Boomer Truth requires basically rewriting everyone’s subconscious instincts from a lifetime of brainwashing." Here here, you are doing a fine job

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Feb 6, 2022·edited Feb 6, 2022

Most people are set in their core beliefs by about the age of 10-12. Its is folly to think you can change minds of the masses who are middle age or older. Only a new generation can recognize the official history of The Event, Mid-Century Saxons, and Mustache Man were all lies.

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True, I've long since given up trying to convince people against their will. If people want to learn they will do so on their own initiative, the masses will be happily binging on Netflix

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Feb 6, 2022·edited Feb 6, 2022

This bouncing back and forth between conformist and consumerist concept has a problem though. Populism. Which the elites temporarily nuked with the fortification and the fake plague. Its like the Architect in the Matrix talking about the anomaly. While it remains a problem unresolved despite their sincerest efforts, it is well known to them and so not beyond a measure of control.

"Its happening exactly as before."

"Well, not exactly."

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While reading this I kept hearing in my head "The Sound Of Muzak":

The music of rebellion

Makes you want to rage

But it's made by millionaires

Who are nearly twice your age

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On the topic of marketing I've been thinking that the recent shift should be characterised as a shift from Bernays style lies to Marcuse style.

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I have to say, reading AA is like being slapped around the face with a large cold wet haddock. Very bracing and altogether unsettling.

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If I could be allowed to defend my position, I do point out the following in my text:

"Once expressing in-group preference was made illegal for white people, it was only a matter of time before the culture became a barren wasteland where individual self-expression — sometimes known as disobeying orders – came to be seen as the highest good, and self-effacement for the good of the ethnically-defined collective as the ultimate evil. The Boomer Truth Regime can only exist downstream from the wellspring that is the Nuremberg Moral Paradigm."

I've seen enough Vietnam era films to know what an absolute fetish the boomers make of disobeying orders for the purpose of individual self-expression. I maintain that once the absolute moral evil was declined (Moustache Man), the absolute moral good (Frank 'n' Furter from The Rocky Horror Picture Show) flowed logically from it.

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Feb 12, 2022·edited Feb 12, 2022

But do you really believe the entire course of the post-WWII West was dependent upon the Nuremberg trial itself? Although I don’t have a problem with the phrase ‘Boomer Truth’, I would say that ‘WWII Moral Paradigm’ is a more apt title than Nuremberg. Because if that trial never happened--it was basically instigated by one headstrong U.S. Judge against the wishes of others involved who would have rather quietly executed the Germans--I don’t think subsequent events would have changed. We’d still end up with the same propaganda, and the same progressive regime. Moustache Man would still be Satan.

I would argue in some ways Nuremberg actually backfired, and I suspect there are Regime supporters who probably wish such an obvious show trial was swept into the dust bin of history. Most people today have no real knowledge of it, but they certainly think they know who the evil Nazis are and what they did. Much of what people think they know about “German war crimes” was generated by a full spectrum “advertising campaign” dreamt up in the 1970s.

As an aside, I would also argue that the axiom "Culture is downstream from power" is more accurate than "Culture is downstream from law". Because there is no explicit reason why all organization under the banner of White identity should be seen as criminal. There is no explicit law, at least not in the U.S., preventing it. And we can imagine that this 'criminality' of White identity will remain in place even when Whites become a minority in the West. Perhaps it will even become law at that point. But as of now, it is the unstated intent of the law, and those who interpret it, that is prevailing and enforced. Which is why many naive White people believe that they too can derive equal protection from civil rights law.

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I agree that post WWII concensus rather than Boomer truth regime ( a useful idea in many other ways) is better in this case. Boomers classically saw themselves as rebelling against their WWII parents so the War,( and everything with it from Airfix models and Commando comics) was "square". This was violently the case from the time of the Vietnam War on which was problem the original neo Cons were addressing. In the late 90's the book "The Greatest Generation" and "Saving Private Ryan" effected the necessary reconcilliation which was just enough and just in time for Kosovo but not enough for Iraq.

To truly undo Boomer history I have to recommend Dianne West's "American Betrayal" which shows how US policy was entirely Soviet driven. Peter Hitchen's "The Phony Victory" is ok but apart from the chapter on poland it is going over old ground and snipping from the edges. Also I think he underestimates the importance of the Middle East and Britain's unspectacular yet excellent strategy in securing the entire region throughout 1941.

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I defer to the archbishop of right-Boomer truth himself, Jordan Peterson. He praises Nuremberg because the judgements instituted "an absolute evil" that we can move away from.

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Well, I guess I still need to do some housecleaning then. 😁

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Well I cut Peterson some slack because he does acknowledge Communism as, in his words, "at least" as great an evil.

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