Boomer Truth Regime vs. Nuremberg Moral Paradigm / Bernays Truth Regime
A response to Nicholas R. Jeelvy and Millennial Woes
I have long talked about the Boomer Truth Regime and made a series of videos about this concept.[1] Recently, commentators such as Nicholas R. Jeelvy and Millennial Woes have suggested that my label does not get to the heart of the matter. Jeelvy has suggested the ‘Nuremberg Moral Paradigm’ as one alternative,[2] Woes has suggested the ‘Bernays Truth Regime’.[3] For those of you unfamiliar with Boomer Truth as a concept, I briefly described it in the very first post here on The Forbidden Texts.[4] In this post I would like to defend my use of the term ‘Boomer Truth’ from these criticisms. I will deal with Jeevly and Woes in turn, and then make some further comments about the utility of ‘Boomer Truth’ over and above alternative terms.
Jeelvy’s chief criticism is that when I first outlined the concept over two years ago, I had not yet come to the realisation that ‘culture is downstream from law’ – this was the subject of a talk I gave at The Event, which I’ve made available here.[5] Jeelvy points out that ‘the boomer culture of the ‘60s and thereafter was a product of law codified earlier, in 1946, in the bombed-out ruins of Nuremberg.’ The Nuremberg Trials, as the Shaman Thomas777 puts it, effectively banned the rightwing in the West. Jeevly quotes Maurice Bardèche, and it is worth reproducing the quotation in full:
The condemnation of the National Socialist Party goes much further than it seems to. In reality, it reaches all the solid forms, all the geological forms of political life. Every nation, every party which urges us to remember our soil, our tradition, our trade, our race is suspect. Whoever claims right of the first occupant and calls to witness things as obvious as the ownership of the city offends against a universal morality which denies the right of the people to write their laws. This applies not just to the Germans; it is all of us who are dispossessed. No one has any more the right to sit down in his field and say: ‘This ground belongs to me.’ No one has any more the right to stand up in the city and say: ‘We are the old ones; we built the houses of this city; anyone who does not want to obey our laws should get out.’ It is written now that a council of impalpable beings has the capacity to know what occurs in our houses and our cities. Crimes against humanity: this law is good; this one is not good. Civilization has the right to veto.[6]
To all this, I say: Yes, Jeelvy is correct that the Nuremberg Trials codified and legalised a moral framework that posited the Mid-Century Germans and Moustache Man as the ultimate evil. However, in 1946, they had yet to develop the concept of the other side of Boomer Truth, individual self-expression freed from social constraints as the ultimate good. One thing I had tried to show in my original Boomer Truth series, perhaps too subtly for most viewers, was that the much-romanticised safe-and-family-oriented 1950s world was in some respects an artificial construction.
The Greatest Generation aka The GI Generation – this latter label is preferred in The Fourth Turning[7] – came back from war as heroes, whether deservedly or not. Incidentally, as James Burnham pointed out in 1941,[8] most soldiers had to be compelled to serve through the draft because, unlike those evil Germans, the Allied Forces struggled to recruit volunteers even though there was mass unemployment in both Britain and America. In any case, once it had sent millions of men to die on its behalf, the soft managerial regime had to give them something. This had happened after the First World War also, and both Universal Suffrage and the roots of the modern welfare state followed automatically and logically from the fact that the state had sent millions of men to die on its behalf through compulsion. So, in the 1950s, the scheming managers constructed an artificial patriarchy – to use the parlance of that era, if you like, an ersatz patriarchy. They tried to reinsert men as the head of their households and put women back into the kitchen (after they’d been dragooned into factories). They built new housing in the suburbs for our heroes. They gave them new ALL MOD CONS, washing machines and toasters and the like, a nice BBQ set for the patio. 1950s man with his nice white 2.4 family got to guzzle down Coca-Cola and eat hamburgers while watching his favourite Hollywood Stars on his brand-new television set. Gee-whiz by golly, ain’t that swell! If I sound like a 1990s feminist performing one of their endless deconstructions of the 1950s, it is because these are largely all points they made – correctly. Under the veneer of safe 1950s America, the GI Generation were being trained to be a bunch of fat, lazy and passive consumers – perfect minions of managerialism. I tried to show all this in the original Boomer Truth series, but since then Mr Dee and I have looked directly at some of the propaganda messaging that was pumped into the heads of this generation directly after the war.[9] Of course, the feminists, being leftists, typically neglect to mention this part. They were pushing racially colour-blind universalism, ‘everyone is the same’, ‘peace and love to all mankind’ type messaging as early as 1946, with buy-in from every major Hollywood star.
Now, the Boomers grew up in all this. Since almost every aspect of consumerist, conformist 1950s life was fake, they felt a compulsion to rebel – and this is where the other side of Boomer Truth comes in. However, as I am sure you are aware, even their rebellion was Astroturfed, created for them, from the top-down. The culture industry that had, through careful perception management, created the clean cut 1950s America, now began to turn back in on itself and created the counterculture of the 1960s that would clear all that away. It is ironic that their anti-capitalist, anti-consumerist messages of Free Love and so on fuelled a multi-billion-dollar industry for the next five decades – not just record sales, but festivals, tours, tie-in films, merchandising, bull-shit degrees, careers in marketing and so on. This is important for Boomer Truth, because while Moustache Man and Germany are the ultimate evil, most messaging, from about 1964 to even the present day, the proximate target, is 1950s America. Blackpilled aka Devon Stack has shown this in many mainstream films: it always comes back to attacking that clean-cut 1950s image.[10] What we have, thus, in the 1960s and beyond, is a dialectic in which both sides are completely fake. The 1950s family was stage one in a grand advertising campaign, and Boomer rebellion was stage two of the same campaign. Much cultural and political capital – as well as much money – could be wrought from putting these two completely fake images of the world against each other. And this has been the dominant paradigm of the past seventy years. The 1950s has had its comebacks too. For example, in the 1980s. This means, in an odd way, when there has subsequently been a 1980s revival, it is also a hidden 1950s revival. The 1990s were a 1960s revival, of course, and we can see that the system is quite happy shuttling back and forth between these two rather safe conformist and consumerist pillars. It’s perfectly happy to wear the mask of American Psycho, ‘it’s hip to be square’, as it is happy to wear the mask of flower power.
I hope it is thus obvious why ‘Nuremberg Moral Paradigm’ can’t give us the full picture, this second side of the truth regime, namely, the image that the Boomers have of their own ‘gnarly’, ‘hip’, ‘cool’, ‘groovy’ rebellion against the ‘square’, ‘staid’, ‘uptight’, ‘strait-laced’ world of their parents. If Covid-19 has done anything, it has utterly exposed the lie of the Boomers’ rebelliousness as the likes of Neil Young and Joni Mitchell show themselves to be sell outs, corporate shills, lackeys of the regime, and bootlickers of the lowest order. But the truth is that their rebelliousness was always fake just as the image of their parents was always fake. Remember this and only this: nothing the mainstream media promotes or has ever promoted is real. The cultural side of Boomer Truth, then, is built on a double lie. And, on a closer inspection, its ultimate moral good – individual self-expression freed from social constraints – was secretly now and always, itself a lie. What the scheming managerial class sought to do was to pit one conformist culture, the 1950s-style one, with another conformist culture, the 1960s-style one. They made money either way, stayed in power either way. They had the population right where they wanted them oscillating between the 1950s-style and the 1960s-style. Why is it such a cliché for the American conservative dad who watches Fox News to have a tearaway liberal daughter who shows her arse to strangers on Onlyfans?[11] Because ultimately conservative boomer dad and whore millennial daughter shared the same assumptions about the world, ultimately both are passive and conformist consumers. The dichotomy between them is and always has been false, just as their respective worldviews are almost entirely the creations of the media.
This brings me to the second objection, from Millennial Woes, which is that it should be called the ‘Bernays Truth Regime’. Anyone with even a passing familiarity with Edward Bernays should know why the picture of perception management and media manipulation I’ve painted so far would be aptly described by his name.[12] Insofar as Boomer Truth – from both its Nuremberg side and from its 1960s counterculture side – is driven almost entirely by perception management, I agree that calling it the ‘Bernays Truth Regime’ would be fitting. I suspect that both Jeelvy and Woes think that my labelling obscures or downplays the specifically Jewish role in all of this. On this score, I will hold my hands up and admit that this is true. But the JQ has a habit of raising up people’s hackles and defences in a way that is a significant barrier to our cause. Undoing Boomer Truth requires basically rewriting everyone’s subconscious instincts from a lifetime of brainwashing. My method has been subtly to unravel this piece-by-piece rather than going in hardcore with the question of who runs the media and likewise. Also, I do not believe that the project was exclusively Jewish in nature. After the tremendous lies told and damage done by World War Two, the entire American and British Ruling Class was complicit. Therefore, almost everyone involved in the managerial apparatus of the state post-war had obvious incentives to become part of its massive and fake cultural machinery. On a side note, because the British lost more than the Americans in the war, in the 1950s and beyond, there was a cadre of old ruling class types who would not play ball, including significant portions of the civil service, rogue Oxford and Cambridge dons, military men, and even major politicians – but this is a story for another post. In America, it is true that the Jewish role has been hugely oversized, especially in the 1960s counterculture (they admit as much and celebrate this fact[13]) and in the perpetuation of myths around the Holocaust which have turned out to be complete hogwash such as Misha and the Wolves,[14] but I would not wish to let off the hook the many thousands, hundreds of thousands, even millions, of Gentiles who have been complicit in Boomer Truth. They are not solely victims of a mind virus; they are and were in many cases guilty of being more zealous and more gung-ho about pushing it than Jewish counterparts – being as they are more prone to being true believers than those who are motivated by narrow ethnic interests.[15] So, for these reasons and more – one of which is that it gives Bernays himself too much personal credit – I prefer ‘Boomer Truth Regime’ to ‘Bernays Truth Regime’.
Finally, I must note a further aspect of Boomer Truth that demonstrates why it must be that label and not something else. I was born in the 1980s, I’ve lived my whole life in the shadow of the culture of the 1960s. The Boomers were profoundly arrogant in claiming for themselves a cultural GROUND ZERO – basically there was nothing before Bob Dylan and The Beatles, just boring old crooners doing old man music or classical music, boring! Yawn! – and then refusing to allow any subsequent generation any proper voice of their own which did not pay direct homage to them. In the 1970s, David Bowie tried, he famously called rock ‘n’ roll a ‘toothless old woman’ and sang:
And my brother's back at home with his Beatles and his Stones
We never got it off on that revolution stuff
What a drag
Too many snags[16]
But even an artist as visionary as Bowie could not escape the dialectical traps of Boomer Truth. If you try to fight the 1960s, you just become another conformist counter-counterculture – and all Bowie could do was to keep running from each iteration of it:
The vacuum created by the arrival of freedom
And the possibilities it seems to offer[17]
He got the problem but all he could do was run ‘up the hill backwards’. Frank Zappa constantly poked fun at the hippies, but in the end his views were perfectly conventional.[18] Every boomer rebel from Governor Jesse Ventura to George Carlin is totally and utterly predictable in their views, from their misplaced atheism to their railing against any sort of authority. The Boomers are a hopeless lot and it’s why we don’t give them respect. But everything we do – whether you are a Gen X, a millennial, or a zoomer – is a struggle to escape the totality of their worldview. It’s not simply about their cast-iron belief in Nazis as the ultimate evil, it’s about everything, the entirety of Boomer truth, and this is why I propose sticking with the label.
[7] William Strauss and Neil Howe, The Fourth Turning: What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America's Next Rendezvous with Destiny (New York: Bantam, 1998).
[8] See James Burnham, The Managerial Revolution (1941; Westport, CN: Greenwood Press, 1972).
[9] See and
[10] See also:
[11] I have in mind exactly this woman:
[12] See Bernays, Edward, Propaganda (1928; New York: Ig Publishing, 2005) and Public Relations (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1952).
[13] Michael E. Staub, The Jewish 1960s: An American Sourcebook (Waltham, MA: Brandeis University Press, 2004).
[14] See
[15] See my discussion of this here:
[18] See here:
This is really superb, but I think overstates the solidarity of the managerial US elite in the 20th century. I am of course merely a Millennial who myself is trying to figure out what happened, but here are some pieces that I think I have a grip on.
Two elements that I am quite sure of:
(1) Anglo American virtue was not entirely fraudulent during the early to mid 20th century. Consider HW Bush, who was born into a wealthy family, enlisted in the Navy, and was eventually shot down and nearly killed in a raid in 1944. That's not bone spurs.
Consider Churchill (who I am not a fan of), who repeatedly exposed himself to danger during the war, including an experience where he was shelled by German artillery near the Rhine in 1945. I do not believe this story is apocryphal, although perhaps it is overstated how close it was.
Other examples are the enormous marginal taxes paid by the rich during the period, Hayes code in Hollywood, etc. As best as I can tell, as another example, John Wayne truly regretted not serving in the War.
(2) Post-war US is host to a vicious knife fight between Jews and WASPs, with Catholics playing both sides opportunistically. This is extremely well documented, so I will not belabor the point here, but I will note that once one is on the lookout for anti-WASP propaganda in 20th century film and other media, it can be difficult to stop seeing it.
Didn't realize that Ghostbusters is anti-WASP propaganda? Well: the ghostbusters are 1 Jew, 2 Catholics and a black guy. The other protagonist in the film is the mayor, who is also catholic. The villain is the EPA guy who is a WASP ("Peck"). The writers are Akroyd (Catholic) and Ramis (Jewish).
Or consider the Simpsons. The main villain is Monty Burns, a WASP, and the one prominent Jew is the beloved Herschel Krustofsky, aka Krusty the Clown. Animal House, Caddyshack, etc. are further entries in this genre.
So all of that is to say, I do NOT see harmony among the American managerial class in the 20th century. The 1960s revolution may be astro-turfed and driven by elite actors, but at the elite level, it absolutely represents a bona fide Catholic and Jewish revolt against Protestant America, which had reached its Apex in the 1950s. The 1950s wasn't fake... Protestant America just lost and then became fake and degenerate after its defeat.
The real problem faced by the WASPs was that they overestimated their strength. They didn't realize that that they were a bunch of trumped up country bumpkins, and absolutely unprepared to become center of the world in 1946. Traditional America is a bit like if Unobtanium were discovered in Alabama. How quickly would Alabama elites get bulldozed by elites from New York and California, once they drew their attention?
That's what happens to the Americans. The US becomes the center of the world, and it draws in all sorts of opportunistic elites from the Old World (plus the Jews forced there at gunpoint), that steamroll the traditional American elites, who are too open, too trusting, and too underprepared for real top-shelf process and narrative manipulators from the Old World. The new elites replace traditional American culture with a lowest-common-denominator "liberalism" which is a thinly disguised excuse for the new diaspora elite to make as much money as possible while not having to conform to anyone else's culture or make any investments in the country. We call these systems "liberal" or "libertarian" but they are really just mechanisms to market the diaspora elite self interest to the public.
But all of that is to again say that 1950s America wasn't fraudulent - it just lost to the diaspora elite.
By the way, the 1990s to me and the "Gingrich revolution" in Republican (i.e. Traditional America) politics is the Traditional American elite realizing that the public just insists on voting for liars, so the Republican party will just lie about everything too. This is a not totally unjustified response to the election of Bill Clinton over HW Bush. Unfortunately, it has left us in a situation in which the ENTIRE US elite, including WASPs, act in an alienated way to the public, i.e. as diaspora.
"On a side note, because the British lost more than the Americans in the war, in the 1950s and beyond, there was a cadre of old ruling class types who would not play ball, including significant portions of the civil service, rogue Oxford and Cambridge dons, military men, and even major politicians – but this is a story for another post."
Very much looking forward to this.