Last time I outlined the five grand metanarratives that dominate the online right. In this post, I am going to critique the first two of grand metanarratives – The Boomer Con Frame and the JQ – using a single lens: truth. I am committed to my 2,000-word limit for these articles, so there will have to be a Part 3 and maybe even a Part 4 depending on how long I must go on for.
The Boomer Con Frame
A lie will breed further lies. If you lie and try to cover up a lie, you then have to lie about covering up or fabricate new claims to explain such a cover up. Post-war conservatism is an entirely false ideology. The ‘sexed up dossier’ which accused Saddam Hussein of harbouring Weapons of Mass Destruction and used as the pretext for invading Iraq, humiliating Saddam, dragging him out of a hole, trying him for war crimes in front of the world, and then executing him looms heavy in the popular consciousness. But this was not some new phenomenon, lying is the routine and ingrained habit of the Allied Forces. It is simply that with WMDs they were caught red handed. Many dissidents have come to see Boomer Cons as merely ‘controlled opposition’, Moldbug’s Outer Party, but they are more than that. You have to understand that the official ideology of the USA since 1933 has been antifascism – that’s the same antifascism as ANTIFA.[1]
After the war, this antifascism achieved total structural dominance in the USA and in Europe due to the maintenance of certain myths and the idea that World War 2 was a righteous and just war. This is the foundation of the Boomer Truth Regime, and the Boomer Cons were and remain its most ardent defenders. Pick up a copy of the Daily Mail on any given day and count the number of allusions to WW2 or Winston Churchill. Now we need not confront the big thing we’re not allowed to talk about to start poking holes in the official narrative of WW2. The Germans had extremely justified reasons for their resentment against their so-called scapegoats in the Weimar Years.[2] The reasons we are given for the UK going to war are not the real reasons and it resulted in disaster for the country.[3] Moustache Man was not a crazed warmonger; he remilitarised the Rhineland in direct response to the Franco-Soviet Pact of 1935.[4] Recall when Donald Trump was President and every shitlib leader like Sadiq Khan or Justin Trudeau would take little pot-shots at him on Twitter to virtue signal, the behaviour of many European leaders in the 1930s was much like this.[5] Those details alone should sow some doubt about the foundations of Boomer Truth.
But since the Allies lied, they continued to lie against new enemies going forward. The Shaman Thomas777 engages in what is called Cold War revisionism for a good reason:[6] many of the Boomer Con claims about the Soviet Union – including Robert Conquest’s estimated death tolls under Stalin[7] – are not true either. The Cold War was used chiefly to hoodwink rube conservatives in Britain and America into supporting the wargames, cultural and political hegemony of neocons. Apart from a few books by Roger Scruton (on aesthetics etc.), Michael Oakeshott (on rationalism) and Thomas Sowell (on race, affirmative action etc.), I am not sure if there is anything of value whatsoever to be salvaged from the Boomer Cons since their worldview was built on a pyramid of lies. They occupied space and wasted time for 75 years straight – and you cannot really hold it against them because, as I’ve said repeatedly, they were simply the ‘rightwing of ANTIFA’.
The JQ Frame
It is undoubtedly true that many unexplainable events of the Twentieth Century suddenly make a lot more sense when you start factoring in the machinations of the tribe. In fact, in a future post, I may list a number of rough shit tests you can do to see whether someone is worthy of your trust. I believe that total denial of JQ is a reason to distrust someone. Paul Gottfried is one of my heroes; he is Jewish. But he’s an utter savage when it comes to the JQ and quotes Kevin Macdonald in his books.[8] Anyone who does not acknowledge that there is a question is simply not an honest actor. However, as Bronze Age Pervert likes to say, ‘that’s not all there is.’ While I would recommend that everyone reads the Forbidden Texts – don’t worry I’ll do a post listing them soon – I continue to caution against seeing this as the only explanation for anything that has happened in history or is happening in the world right now.
I am afraid you will have to indulge me in a little bit of nuance and granularity. From my reading around this topic, let me outline a few broad generalisations. First, the tribe is non-ideological. Some claim they are naturally liberal, naturally Marxist, and so on, but this is bunk. They are first and foremost, as Sartre might say, for themselves. If you are for your own interests, you can be ideologically flexible. In fact, ideology becomes a weapon to conceal your actions, to bamboozle rivals, and to brainwash supposed allies into giving you control. This fundamental agility is a key feature of the tribe. Second, as The Car Manufacturer explains, one always must draw a distinction between the everyday man-on-the-street and the elite international members of the tribe.[9] Almost all the analysis in the Forbidden Texts concerns elites and not the everyday person. This is complicated by the fact that today, in the US population, over 60% are elites in the expanded Mosca-Pareto sense of the term, which is to say that they are both governing elites (in the top layer of the ruling class) and non-governing elites (in the media and the professions).[10] Third, a unique dimension of the narrow ethnic interests of the tribe is their explicit and fierce hostility to white Christian, European values. Gottfried makes this very clear in his writings.[11] Indeed, very good cases can and have been made that the explicitly anti-white character of much current zeitgeist thought and culture is down to their machinations.
Now let us complicate matters. Ideology can be simply a weapon cynically used to advance one’s own interests, but there are also true believers. For an ideology to be effective it must conceal particular interests under the guise of universalism. Such doctrines of universalism – while effective as political formula – are almost all utopian trash that fail any test of reality whatsoever. And yet, such is the power of a universalist doctrine that it will generate the true believer. Many Gentiles on the left or the right side of the so-called kosher sandwich are true believers, but occasionally a member of the tribe is too. In addition, sometimes you get a Machiavellian Gentile who – for reasons entirely unknown to me, or maybe simply because they’ve been blackmailed or otherwise indebted – advances Jewish interests in the narrow sense without caring much about the official ideological justifications given. Incidentally, Winston Churchill is perhaps the banner case of this.
Thus, we have six broad categories of people here:
1. The Jewish elite who supports Jewish ethnic interests in the narrow sense.
2. The Jewish elite who is a true believer in the universalist ideology (whatever that ideology is).
3. The Gentile elite who supports Jewish ethnic interests in the narrow sense.
4. The Gentile elite who is a true believer in the universalist ideology (whatever that ideology is).
5. The Jewish rube.
6. The Gentile rube.
‘Rube’ here is just a cipher for member of the ‘great unwashed masses’ who are directed like so many cattle by the elites. Now here is a point seldom made and even more seldom grasped: there is a natural tension between Jewish ethnic interests in the narrow sense and the true believer. The tribe is threatened whenever the ideology actually starts to be adopted strictly and they are to be subjected to the same rules as everyone else without special dispensations for their own special status. Perhaps this is an historical quirk since Jews enjoyed special privileges at the behest of vertical alliances made with European kings throughout their long struggle.[12] This happened in the Soviet Union under Stalin who not only wished to stop the world seeing the USSR as an explicitly Jewish state but also wanted the tribe to conform to the rules of socialism. In other words, he wanted to prevent both Zionist nationalist sentiment and what he saw as a rootless cosmopolitanism. Now, I will not defend Stalin, he was utterly ruthless and evil, but from the point of view of the true believer he was surely correct on this score. Why should this one group have special perks? Socialism is about equality. Incidentally, after the war, he is now accused of launching a ‘secret pogrom’.[13] This may go some way to explaining the rapid escalation of tensions between the USSR and the USA after 1945.
My point here is that our analytical lens should be more sophisticated than simply pointing at members of the tribe with suspicion. Many of them are just normal people. And, of the elites, we should be able to spot the difference between the defender of petty and narrow ethnic interests and the true believer. I do not have space here to name many names, you can do it in your own time, but whatever you make of libertarianism, Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard were true believers who did not act in the narrow ethnic interests of the tribe. However, such cases are, in truth, negligible on a scale of maybe thirty to one or more. The much more important consideration is that we can spot the tension between the Gentile true believer and the Jewish narrow ethnic interest. The capacity of the Gentile true believer to pull what Stalin did is always there and this is acutely feared by the tribe.
Here I will suggest something contentious. I believe that current globalists are reaching the point that Stalin was reaching after 1945. In other words, elite true believers today whether Gentile or Jewish cannot brook the contradictions generated by the explicitly ethnonationalist Israel and its actions. While broadly antifascism remains their doctrine, the special grievances of the tribe are slowly being turned down as the grievances of other groups are turned up. I do not suggest that the tribe do not retain power – in the USA they remain almost hegemonic – but on the world stage, we are a long way from the neoconservative heyday of George W. Bush today which has done massive damage to the Zionist cause. Zog seems to be on the outs especially after Biden simply shut down a key strategic gas pipeline Trump and Netanyahu had planned to run from Israel to Europe.[14] Globalists are taking on an increasingly technocratic character and their dystopian visions are fuelled by a kind of utilitarian Faustian spirit – it reminds me a little of Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis. Yes, they advance the doctrines of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion but, just like socialism in its original Marxist-Leninist version, what that really means is that no one is special and ALL MUST TAKE THE JAB AND EAT THE BUG IN THE END. This was discussed recently by The Poet of the North, Morgoth, and Todd Lewis.[15] The tribe would prefer that the doctrine remains explicitly anti-white, but the logic of egalitarianism and universalism are such that it will always find contradiction in exceptions and seek to eliminate the exception. In such a world run by true believers, the tribe must agitate to keep their special privileges, but if enough true believers get in positions of power, the tribe become just another petty faction grubbing about for their corn feed under the boot of power.
[1] Paul Gottfried, Antifascism: The Course of a Crusade (Ithaca, IL: Northern Illinois University Press, 2021).
[2] Arthur Bryant, Unfinished Victory (London: Macmillan, 1940).
[3] Peter Hitchens, The Phoney Victory: The World War II Delusion (New York and London: I.B. Tauris, 2018).
[4] Sean McMeekin, Stalin’s War: A New History of World War II (New York: Basic Books, 2021), p. 53.
[5] See AJP Taylor, The Origins of the Second World War (1961; New York and London: Penguin, 1991).
[7] Timothy Snyder, Bloodlands: Between Hitler and Stalin (New York: Basic Books, 2010), p. 384.
[8] See here:
[9] Henry Ford, The International Jew, 4 vols (1921; London: Ostara Publications, 2021).
[10] See here:
[11] See, for example, Paul E. Gottfried, ‘The Black-Jewish Alliance’, Academic Questions, 14:3 (Summer 2001).
[12] See Lois C. Dubin, ‘Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi, the Royal Alliance, and Jewish Political Theory’, Jewish History, 28:1 (2014), pp. 51-81.
[13] Joshua Rubenstein and Vladimir P. Naumov, Stalin’s Secret Pogrom: The Postwar Inquisition of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (New Haven, CN: Yale University Press, 2001).
[14] Israel Fisher, ‘U.S. Fear of Putin, Erdogan Spells End of Israel's Natural Gas Pipeline to Europe’, Haartz (19 Jan 2022):
I'll weigh in a bit on the Jewish question as a Mischling descended from a fairly wealthy family.
One important source of Jewish power that is not well understood by the public is that there are no Jewish Boomers. This disparity is a lot of what drives lopsided Jewish influence in the current period, in my opinion. That is, Boomers are lazy and spoiled because they grew up in the warm embrace of the highly prosperous post-war period. Whereas, Jews born contemporaneously grew up in the dark shadow of the Holocaust. There is therefore an enormous motivation gap between Jews and Gentiles that are at the peak of their career power today, having been born from 1946 to 1964.
Nowhere is this gap more obvious than in politics, which Boomer gentiles do not take seriously at all, in contrast to "Boomer-Aged" Jews. This is why modern Republican governments (run by Boomer gentiles) are incompetent messes (GWB, Trump), but modern Democratic governments (generally run by Boomer-Aged Jews) are competently run, even if you disagree with their politics (Clinton, Obama I, Biden*).
Looking ahead, Millennial and to a lesser extent Gen X Jews are just as spoiled as their gentile counterparts. For this reason among others, Jewish power in the United States is in my opinion likely to decline substantially over the next 10-20 years. Darren Beattie sometimes talks about the decline in leadership quality at the ADL, from Foxman to Greenblatt. Well, Foxman was born in 1940 and grew up in the shadow of the Holocaust, and Greenblatt was born in 1970 and did not.
One other point is as relates to Jews and changes in American culture since 1946. What I believe happened is the following. If you are Jewish, you do not blame yourself for anti-Semitism. So, what then happened in the 1930s and 1940s in Europe? Well, gentile populations were consumed by extremist ideology that preached Fascism and anti-Semitism, leading to disaster for the Jewish people.
OK its 1951, and Jews live in the US now. They are safe. But they were safe in Germany... until they weren't. How to prevent a similar disaster? Well, of course you do what you can to influence or control ideological production and propagation in the US. It's obvious - that's what went wrong in Europe, so make sure it doesn't go wrong here. So you form NGOs, you carefully edit newspapers, you lobby for young children to be taught about the evils of racism and anti-Semitism, etc. None of this is surprising or unreasonable.
This strategy in practice turns out to have limited opposition. After all, the Americans are not anti-Semitic, so why should they stop you? In addition, Americans have weak cultural heritage (Europeans are correct on this point), so they don't notice much is changing. And then maybe you go a little bit too far with anti-WASP media narratives, with the Civil Rights Act, with Hart-Celler, etc.
* OK, the Biden administration doesn't seem too competent. But, I would point out that Blinken and Klain are both nearly Gen X.
I'll just add this. My uncle is a banker. He is not Jewish. None of my family are. But he does not have nice things to say about them, I'll put it that way. My personal experience with Jews has been the guy's on the street. Normal guys, I grew up playing football with them. They weren't ethnically conscious. Just did their traditions as I did mine in the Christian faith. But you're right, we must distinguish between the elites and the regular guys.