I agree with this, I recently wrote that there's something to be said for the sheer irrationality of a politics of spite and hatred regardless of consequences.

That said, we need to be assessing where the Tories can likely retain power and regard ''reaching out'' to the people there as a matter of importance.

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"reaching out" in what way ? What would it achieve to see them with zero seats, other than to leave a void to be filled by the Reform party, which I believe is run by the same people as run the Tories? And if it isn't then it soon will be once the Tories are done.

If you want to end the Tory party the solution is to form a better alternative, not spend your time pissing on it as it lies gasping for air in the hospice.

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they will try and get a bounce by ditching Rishi prior to the election. It's their only chance to be beaten with a respectable loss

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I thought the moral of Moby Dick was not to let your hatred and obsessions lead you to a melodramatic suicide by recklessness, the whale lived on happily didn't it? I know it makes good fiction though.

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Perhaps that's why I ended the article with:

'It was Ahab’s fate to be forever bound to the source of his madness and torment. I propose we cut ourselves loose from it once and for all.''

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So this didn't meant that we shouldn't want the Tories to be wiped out?

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I feel like this about our Republican Party. The Democrats are forever kvetching that they are being held hostage by the republicans and zero seats would remove the excuses. Plus the republicans are useless.

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Didn't need to read it to understand why zero seats is a desirable outcome, but read it anyway, because it's a good read.

What do you think, how can an immigrant help British dissident right to achieve it? I fucking hate fake conservatives in every Western country.

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Go home?

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The Conservative Party has a consistent record, not just of failure, but of outright treachery. Infiltration of the Conservative Party has been tried, and has failed every time. Attempts to reach out to conservatives have been made time and again to no avail. It is a totally rotten and unsalvageable party that no longer has any legitimacy. In the next general election, the Conservative Party deserves to be wiped out so that the farce of British electoral politics can be exposed, and so the function of the party as a pressure valve for rightist discontent can be neutralised. Naturally, we can’t expect zero seats, but the closer we can get to it, the better.

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Please get Dom Cummings on a podcast soon, I'd be very interested to hear you two debate

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This happened in America before the Civil War. In 1856, the Whigs collapsed (not quite zero, but still), leaving the Democrats in sole command of the Old Republic. The stress of having no one to blame, no bogeyman to hold them together, shattered the Democrats.

The more cosmopolitan remnants of the Whigs and the disaffected Dems joined together to form the Republican Party, which went on to precipitate the Civil War as soon as they came to power in 1860, and, more importantly, restore the kabuki theatre.

May your realignment go more smoothly than ours did.

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Spoil your vote, 'none of the above'

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The two party system, is no system at all.

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This is why people voting R for Trump is literally false consciousness, as is Vote Blue Team.

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I remember everyone pointing out the tories had an 80 seat majority every time they complained about something. Now imagine 600-0.

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It is time to accept that Britain is a lost cause and gather the remaining based people to establish a based breeding colony somewhere promising. The population will keep sliding left because of mutational load, immigrations are gonna keep pouring in, the window of demographics majority is closing rapidly and there is no change in sight. Flee or wither

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Flee where? I think too many are too optimistic of this being a silver bullet.

There is nothing stopping like-minded people from building their own communities right here, right now. Every other demographic does, so what's stopping us?

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“What’s stopping us?”

(1) Government sanction against any flavour of “white identitarianism”

(2) The Economics are difficult in comparison

(3) Most of our population is completely deracinated

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Newfoundland? Size of California, population under 600k. Maybe it's time we learn to hack it in the wilderness with our own bare hands. Canada has an even more liberal immigration policy than GB, why not exploit that?

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Move out of cities for starters, I did and it's a completely different atmosphere here, you can talk much more openly about things and find a general agreement that less doctors and engineers is a good thing.

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Labour would immediately factionalize, the Starmers vs the Corbyns, recreating a new phony opposition and the game would go on.

It happened in one-party Communist nations: Russia in the 1920s, China in the 1960s.

It’s bloody DIALECTICAL.

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"Zero Seats" is a good slogan, but "No Vote" would be more specific. Don't hold your nose and voot Labour, and don't support any of the petty outfits angling to be Con Party 2.0. Just turn the act of mass abstention into a vote of no confidence in the democratist fraud.

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"It seems that our man has fallen into a trap. This makes his behavior

no less admirable. Although his nay may issue from a lost cause, it

will nevertheless have a persisting influence. Naturally, in places

where the old world still basks in the warmth of the evening sun, on

pleasant hillsides, on islands, or, in short, in milder climates, this

voter will remain unnoticed. There it is the other ninety-eight of the

hundred votes that make the impression. Since the cult of the

majority has been long and ever more mindlessly celebrated, the two

percent will be overlooked. Their role, by contrast, is to make the

majority explicit and overpowering—because a hundred out of a

hundred can no longer be called a majority." -Ernst Jünger, The Forest Passage

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I think the election won't be until the very last knockings, the last Thursday before 28/1/25, which means the next US president will have been inaugurated. I also think the tories are so reviled they will not be able to campaign freely in many of the constituencies they hope to hold onto. The abuse and physical threats will be too much to contend with. The labour victory will be bigger than the 418 seats Blair won in 1997, but with less than 10 million votes.

There are local elections on 2nd May, this will be the starter before the main course.

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Zero Seats, but be weary of what you wish for...

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I think there would be more than ample opportunity for people to make clear why they dropped the Tories especially if they don't vote for anyone else either. Vooting is endorsing our sham system, don't do it.

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