As well as Clown World slop there is also an alternative space where "it's all a psy-op" - everything is staged and manipulated by "them", and only by tumbling down the rabbit hole into Wonderland can the truth be discerned. This isn't a single coherent narrative but a general attitude of paranoid radical scepticism. I hesitate to use the phrase "conspiracy theory" because it's so contentious and ultimately unhelpful, but you know the sort of thing I'm pointing to.

A lot of people (myself included) dip into this world because it's entertaining and intriguing and represents a satisfying refuge from the oppressive hectoring of regime-approved consensus reality. And, indeed, there may also be some grains of truth to be found there. But ultimately it's another trap. Not least because it permits any and all "alternative" perspectives to be discredited by association with belief in a flat Earth, fake dinosaurs, lizard people, Atlantean civilisation, whatever (insert your favourite "kooky theory" here).

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I think of the cognitive infiltration strategy articulated by Cass Sunstein in 2008 in an article titled “Conspiracy Theories” for the Journal of Political Philosophy, where he made a radical proposal: “Our main policy claim here is that government should engage in cognitive infiltration of the groups that produce conspiracy theories.”…they defined “cognitive infiltration” as a program “whereby government agents or their allies (acting either virtually or in real space, and either openly or anonymously) will undermine the crippled epistemology of believers by planting doubts about the theories and stylized facts that circulate within such groups.” Cognitive infiltration on social media is heavily boosted via bots who push arguments about, for example, the glass dome and the firmament (flat earth arguments) to distract people and lead them into harmless political dead ends.

That article is here: https://ia800208.us.archive.org/4/items/CassSunstein/cass_sunstein_infiltration.pdf

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Why would people designate the government as the main actor in the psy-op thing when in fact the general direction of most subversive, gnostically-evil forces is anti-governmental, anarchical, producing chaos?

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You can start with the Smith Mundt Modernization Act which was part of the 2013 NDAA. Then, you can study the Church Committee Hearings. Hard to even take your comment seriously.

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Thanks for the info, will research. Yet, I believe, the vector of The Powers That Be is obvious - it's anti-governmental.

Government has some accountability, at least on paper, when private institutions have next to none. Government < papers, universities, as they can critique it, but it (the US govt at least) can't do shit about em. Its them who infuse the govt with activist, it's them who shape the discourse.

I don't know what your approach is, but it might be too liberal, too "resist the power"-ish, when in fact you can't resist one, you can only embrace it and change its direction.

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The Icke / Delingpole meta/mega conspiracies are in essence replacement religions, which offer a disturbing but exciting world of dark intrigue by ancient/alien bloodlines. Pseudo-gnosticism essentially. Personally I prefer a P K Dick sci-fi novel.

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Interesting wrapping Icke with Delingpole. In my estimation Icke is an obvious bad actor. But Delingpole? This seems an disingenious take, Del

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I do not consider Delingpole "a bad actor",however he is at best naive and promulgates fringe conspiracies without critical reasoning. David Icke is a man who suffered a nervous breakdown in the early 90's and in my opinion never recovered.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - William J. Casey, CIA Director

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Your first comment made me think of Miles Mathis, though he's interesting and probably right about a few things here and there.


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Good points, especially the one on local involvement vs. global clown shown spectacle, and on how all sorts of problems are made into dissident take-a-side-problems (e.g. Russia vs Ukraine).

However, if I may add a critique: It would be helpful that you provide a heuristic on how to separate "genuine" regime enemies, who are active online, from clown show performers. This is a point I am missing. My personal heuristic is, in order of priority:

- is the person subject to personal repression, such as cancelled bank accounts, legal war fare etc.?

- is the person taking a stance on replacement migration as the single biggest issue in Europe and the US, and that it has to be reverted at ANY cost?

- is the person taking part in real life dissident activities outside of the online realm (conferences do not count)?

Especially points 1 and 2 - if those are not checked, there is a high probability that he/she/it is a participant in the clown show. Now, that does not mean that they do so knowingly, or even intentionally. I would think that some of them (in your level 5 for example) are actually sincere.

However, if they are checked, it is more likely that it's a true regime enemy. These are the people I will pay attention to.

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Jasun Horsley argues, “My view is simple to the point of seeming simple-minded to some: if a disseminator of “dissidence” has a platform of more than 100K followers—or the equivalent in terms of being centered in the “alt-media”—I generally don’t waste my time on them….I am not saying they must be a “shill” to have such high numbers behind them. But, at the very least, they can’t be rocking any serious boats.” https://childrenofjob.substack.com/p/guided-by-gaslight

Rurik Skywalker agrees: https://substack.com/@rurikskywalker/note/c-66329642

Taking it further, James Delingpole and Guido Preparata argue in this interesting interview that any major philosophical, scientific or political figure of the past multiple-hundreds years has been a controlled agent for alternative, nefarious purposes: https://rumble.com/v58s1j6-guido-giacomo-preparata.html

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Hello AA

Regretfully I couldn't attend and hear the talk live. Nodding my head in agreement with your article, we need to break away from the endless low-hanging fruit of the culture wars. It is just endless noise that prevents people from engaging with real issues. Clown Show for a Clown World, you might say. Personally, l don't have time for this anymore, l only engage with when it comes up on my timeline. The Clown Show is a never ending mud slinging fight.

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A good over view of the containment/displacement online system. Ultimately it's just a method of keeping the passengers on the globo-titanic occupied whilst the ship sinks & most of them perish.

I give it 10-15 years before globo-homo americ-anus is either extinct or a rapidly dwindling species.

What a relief it will be to have their stifling,smothering degenerate weight lifted from us. Then the real work of rebuilding & reshaping the former vassal states begins.

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Notice things and events that are not just images in your head. For example, possessions you use, rather than store or have on display; everything that is monetised; interactions with actual living people, not via screens; food cooked from raw ingredients by someone you know; relationships not mediated by an organisation; anything in your own life that concerns reproduction or death; interactions with the non-built environment; and so on. The idea is to distinguish these events from the sea of faces and images that seek to explain them. Notice if the meaning they have is something you thought up, or took on from somewhere else. If you are an atomised information person, it might be hard to find actual non-information events in your life. Notice if you are hungry for them. Treat this as a sign that things are not going well.

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Are you different than the clown show? If so, could you elaborate in which ways?

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Yes. And no, I will not elaborate.

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AA is a part of the show but has no means to change it's story and so like a jester pulls the Curtain at the sides of the stage back for everyone else to see, to point and laugh and maybe make someone Truly See.

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Good points all around. I've read some of the NRx stuff back in the day, and it sounded alright to me. No idea about them these days or what their motivations are. I find it difficult to view Nick Land as a Zionist, at least. Perhaps I am just ignorant. I sure wish there was something authentic to be involved in. I have recently checked out of 'the clown show' (6 months or so). It was one of the most productive decisions of my life.

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I think the real question here is what does the Right exactly want? The clown show serves as a wonderful opiate for the politically uneducated, but there are grains of objective truths, whether they're aware of it or not, that guys such as Fuentes and Tate talk about, such as Zionism or the Machiavellian nature of social life. We can probably both agree that these slop merchants are not going to change anything in the long term on their own, but their followers will likely leave some sort of imprint on politics. Will these people attempt to integrate themselves into or try to reform the system, or will they pursue, guided by some sort of intellectual elite, a sort of Iran-style upheaval? I personally believe a lot of it will hinge on the economic conditions of the 2020's; if things continue to deteriorate, owning a home and having a family become myths, the elites continue shipping Africans to small towns irreversibly changing their demographics, and halting all social mobility under the guise of DEI, I find it hard to believe that it would not be the latter scenario.

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Wait, what? local ‘politics’ isn’t politics. Deciding on the infrastructure for the disabled people isn’t really about having power (politics = application of power in the real world).

There’s nothing powerful about deciding on such things, and it definitely cannot stop the mind rottening process, as local communities have no say when it comes to overreaching and omnipresent cultural discourse, the discourse that shapes not only our thoughts, but actions too.

You can’t just withdraw Shirewood (or what do they call towns on this damp island of yours?) from the global schizophrenia that has taken place - by voting locally.

Your critique is on point at times, your solution is escapist and pusillanimous (had to google to find this word).

Let me issue you a courage loicense, mate. Apply it.

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Yet writing youtube essays and commenting online will truly show the powers that be we mean business?

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If we assume that there is a ruling class, and that democracy is a populist delusion, and we hypothesize that a ruling minority can only be replaced by another minority, then there is not much anyone can do, is there? The hypothesis that the ruling elite is divided between a “left/democrat” and a “right/republican” seems to me rather far-fetched. I would hypothesize that the ruling elite in the West is united about economic/financial/geo-political/demographic fundamentals, and that inside the ruling elite order is maintained by its religious core. Outside fundamentals, every elite member can do/say whatever he wants. Then I would say that the ruling elite has protected itself with hunderds of thousands academically trained conformists who will support every lie, no matter how insane. Like gender/vaccines/climate/nutrition(meat)/rule of law/democracy/finance, etc. Everyone who does not become a forrest monk will have to make some compromise with the ruling elite. These compromises are all different. Nick Fuentes makes his choices, and so do Matt Walsh and Candance. I respect all. As a “consumer” of online stuff it is usefull to try to understand what exactly someone’s compromise is. And those who fail to make the right compromise will be cancelled, fired, such as doctors resisting the Covid narrative, or imprisoned. Conformism is almost always the personally smart thing to do. Improving the world is not a realistic goal. Raising a family well is doable. Good luck.

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You might be able to tune out the clown show, but you won't be able to tune out the JDAMs, hordes of Infinity Migrants and Thermonuclear Weapons of the Samson Option.

There is only Eternal Misery.

Ashes and Echoes

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The Clown Show is a "big tent" movement. How easy it has been to shepherd everyone into the circus.

The hypocrisy of these 'mainstream anti-establishment' types is sickening. I'm thinking of guys like Dave Smith who constantly masturbate over "the fall of the MSM" and yet whose content consists almost entirely of reacting to, and thereby promoting, MSM clips.

If the ratings for CNN et. al. are as bad as we are led to believe, then it is people like Smith and the Clown Show accounts you mention who are responsible for their ongoing relevance by ginning up online engagement for them.

Of course they are fully aware of this but its easy, brainless money for them. Yet another incentive problem yay.

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So what do do? Just ignore and get on with life?

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Get involved with local politics like I said

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I suppose I struggle to see how getting disabled ramps at the local library will help to protect my community from the geopolitical issues you say will hardly if ever feature in the agenda of a local politician.

Do you have any examples of local politics working in this way in the UK?

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Hello AA, check the article I posted on "Occupy", none of it was real, it was a movement made entirely by a Hedgefund. I posted all revenant sources. Still works as an example here though!

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@InverseTrig - Link please.

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The rule of a rich minority over the majority is the natural state of human civilization. Is this a crypto Marxist analysis?

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I used to love BAP but reading this I couldn't help but think that in the final analysis he is part of the Clown Show. I also have some suspicions that at least one of your guests on OU is a fed, probably wise to wrap it up.

Good luck with all the new changes!

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Out of interest, which one?

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Why are so many Israelis threatening to blow this man's dick off with a pager bomb attack.

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BAP is a member of the tribe, like quite a few "dissidents" out there. October 7th made a lot of their masks slip.

You cannot trust them.

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