Right on point AA as usual.

Even when "wokeness" is put away,

You're trading low IQ enemies like the blacks for high IQ hostile foreigners such as Indians and Asians, who are against woke because it ultimately affects their group. My experiences with them from my line of work has shown me they have nothing but disdain for the European.

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“Meritocracy” = soulless oriental bug man rote memorization. We must judge on IRON WILL and SPIRIT

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There's still a divide between classical liberals and true utilitarians. The utilitatians support open borders. The loss to your country is supposedly less than the gain to the immigrants. Also things like Basic Income and gibs. Taking from the moderately wealthy to give to the lazy supposedly maximizes average happiness.

MechaBentham will decide the optimal policy is to pack ten trillion human units into your economic zone like sardines. With endless taxpayer subsidized VR experiences.

If this is what winning against wokies feels like, I'd rather lose.

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White pill: has there ever been a time when Burnham, Lasch, Jünger et al. were so popular? Anti-/post-liberal reaction isn't going away in a hurry.

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With all due respect, I think that the vision you paint is an overly optimistic one.

If we were actually going to get what you describe, then yes, I would put myself in the camp of wanting a return to the colorblind 1990s liberalism. But it's never going to happen. It also isn't real 1990s liberalism; gay marriage will still be law of the land, LGB will be further normalised even if T is put away for a little bit. It will be 'Obama liberalism' and not '1990s liberalism' in any real sense.

To restore true 1990s liberalism requires being reactionary and authoritarian, and then it won't be liberalism anymore.

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Musk and co. are businessmen at heart, and activism is bad for business. They'll never become activists for the right like corporations are activists for the left.

Nevertheless, if they are able to purge left-wing activism, it creates a vacuum for new ideas - our ideas.

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Just note that the accidentally Luciferian crypto-Marxist DrParvinizzle has as one of his loss conditions for America: "a renewed focus on God and Christianity".

This must be the 3rd or 4th shark-jump?

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You walk through a door and it all of a sudden it locks behind you. A Mechanical voice booms in the distance, “Do you want to play a game?” You do not.

You are stunned and stand still as though you are hiding your very presence. A 7ft tall mecha-clown appears and lurches towards you. Do you:

A. Bang and scream against the iron-clad door hoping to escape?

B. Jump towards the savage claws of the mecha-clown in hope of dealing damage to it’s fleshy bits? With the clown defeated you can make a better decision in this scenario.

C. Escape from the clown’s embrace and seek a new door or window to flee from? Perhaps you will get back or somewhere better through a different door.

Choose your Strategy.

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The argument against returning to the 90s, is the 90s just led us exactly to where we were today. It's not a stable endpoint. Sure, the safeguards might be stronger this time if we can go back, as we're more keenly aware of where it can lead, but they'll eventually erode, and sooner or later the slippery slope has us again.

Mecha-Bentham would be "make GDP line go up" codified into ultimate authority. Unless someone was sensible enough to program it with better parameters for what actual human flourishing looks like, but I wouldn't hold my breath on that.

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Please don't indent the paragraphs.

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Ultimately the retvrn of Fresh Prince would also mask the process of permanent demographic change. A purely meritocratic regime outlook would worsen the issue of H-1B immigration in America and whatever similar program you have in Britain, growing the new subcontinental striver class while shrinking resources and energy toward developing native talent.

There is hope, though, that Elon and others will see the value in making citizenship meaningful and advantageous to citizens over non-citizens at the very least. He has said things along those lines.

There’s also hope that liberalism is just a halfway point on Elon’s intellectual journey, and that he is one of many sensitive young men in the libertarian-to-based pipeline.

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It is clear Jordan Peterson has very liberal views which are incorrect, like his merit based system and worship of individualism. Do not discount him fully, for his work in the symbolic world is very, very important and is helping re-enchant the world.

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Everyone with any voice or resources in normal society seems stuck in a social model that has already been dead and discredited for a couple decades now.

Storytelling is one way to reinforce or realign people's deeply held assumptions.

I tried my own hand at writing a series of novellas, all part of the same larger story that presuppose the burgeoning right wing view. The result is on Amazon.

The Disciples of Dissent https://a.co/d/f8CI0AP


-the first novella deconstructs feminism and the girl boss trope.

-the second deals with the diversity coalition

-the third more with meta underpinnings of the left such as hedonism and anti-natalism.

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It's quite a bleak picture painted here. However, I would rather this than plane doors flying off and whites being excluded from jobs on racial grounds. Under this regime perhaps, dissidents may be able to be a bit more louder than is permitted now.

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What I am wondering - and perhaps you have already addressed this question somewhere - is what the main reason was for not just continuing with the "fresh prince" era. Why did they not just stick with 90s liberalism? Would there ever have been sufficient popular discontent against it? I doubt that. Likewise, why the imperial overextension in foreign policy? Were the wars in the Middle East, NATO expansion and global trade liberalization "necessary" in any sense? I feel that America would be in a stronger position if they had just kept to the 90s playbook.

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A certain contingent on the right will be disappointed by this., i.e, the ones who actually want woke to intensify in order to precipitate the sort of societal collapse out of which they can forge the world more to their liking. These are doomed to be fringe though, because:

a) Christians and their "successor" Kantian Humanists can't countenance this, as it would transgress the Golden Rule by deliberately wishing for the suffering on those in the here and now in the vague hope that their "sacrifice" will produce something better

b) they're just a bunch of cosplay Vikings, at the end of the day

Oh, and of course we will be hearing a lot about " " "Judeo"-Christian" culture" from now on - this random association of 2 of the 3 Abrahamic faiths to the exclusion of the other which, of course, currently represents the main, perhaps only challenge to the liberal order, at least in the West.

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