That is why the Anglo celtic derived constitutional republic of the United States is failing right now, because the people who created it are a ever increasing minority, the question is what form shall this empire take shape over the next few decades, in its current form the anti meritocracy anti kulak religion is extremely corrosive and ad hoc with a incredible capacity for institutional decay. The only sensible mitigation would be the emergence of the total state, however the United States was literally founded on the premise it would prevent the emergence of such state. Hence the need for the transvaluation of values in order to transform virtue in to vice. This has the sife effect of the competentency crisis, open borders, third world cultural norms, and imperial overstretch. The GAE having decided to take on China and Russia simultaneously is locked into a death match which can only have one victor. The triumph of globo homo or race based civilization is the fight of the 21 century as facism communism and liberalism was the fight of the 20th century. The stage is set now we mere spectators will witness the battle unfold over our lifetime

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Excellent summation of Schumpeter's thoughts on the matter. I appreciate the guided insight on one I'm still not familiar with.

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*the imported radicalism*

In Appendix B of ‘The Last Days of the Romanovs’ (1920), Robert Wilton writes:

‘According to the data furnished by the Soviet Press, out of 566 important functionaries of the Bolshevik State, there were in 1918-1919, 17 Russians, 2 Ukrainians, 11 Armenians, 35 Letts, 15 Germans, 1 Hungarian, 10 Georgians, 3 Poles, 3 Finns, 1 Czech, 1 Karaim, and 457 Jews.’

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Did Schumpeter give any kind of reference for the sentence "Every country has its own socialism"? Because that exact same sentence was also written by Arthur Moeller van den Bruck (1876-1925), a very edgy boi from the "Conservative Revolution". Might be an accident, might not be.

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It's amusing that one of JS's Harvard students should conflate JS's horror at the vulgar plebeian tactic of total war inflicted by the allies Germany's cities and civilian population with a "pro-Hitler." JS said on numerous occasions that if he had remained in Germany he would've one of the first candidates for the concentration camp. But Schumpeter had aristocratic sensibilities that were out of tune with the times, and he was appalled by the civilian casualties of WW2. He also loathed and feared Soviet Russia, whom he regarded as the true victors of WW2.

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His creative destruction which he applauds capitalism for is wholly destructive of traditional ways of life.

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Really interesting and rings true to my amateur understanding. Would be good to see a follow up with more national insights, especially Germany but also some others (Japan? Italy? Spain? IRAN??)

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Stepping back from the edge of the Austrian school’s break from the German school’s particularist historicism :)

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