The point about social media not needing to censor because it drowns out dissident voices in a sea of slop, was a deliberate operation first proposed by Cass Sunstein in a 2008 working paper.
This is the playbook the regime has followed ever since and it has worked perfectly:
"The intriguers effectively determined that “if you can’t lick ‘em, join ‘em” (as the old saying goes). That is, rather than working to REFUTE conspiracy theories, the solution would be to INFECT them and MISDIRECT them and add utter confusion to the mix. The consequence would be that conspiracy theories would look so ridiculous that no broad swath of people in the general public might one day actually begin to have any belief in their credibility.
"In the past, people did have doubts about the official stories relating to the JFK assassination, the Oklahoma City bombing and the 9-11 tragedy. Now, however, emerging alternative theories about other events would be totally eviscerated—from within—and die by their own accord. Anyone putting forth any form of conspiracy theory would automatically become suspect, their very sanity questioned." (Michael Collins, False Flags: Template for Terror, 2013)
As Bowden once said, the only things that the regime can't brook are genuine radical right-wing ideas, and religious fundamentalism. Anything less will eventually be digested and sanitized.
Calling them out doesn't do a whole lot if no one is going to go the distance to hold them to account. Given our institutions have been oriented into one giant anti-pogrom machine, we effectively need genuine revolution. It appears the system itself has zero intention to hold them to account no matter how loudly they are called out.
Watch to see how Martyr Made's series on WW2 develops. My assumption is most will shrug and equivocate "every side in war is bad" and act as if there haven't been consequences to all the lies that must be answered for.
I do believe the truth is important, but we have to remember the purpose of calling them out is to empower authority which does not answer to them, even if we have to create that authority ourselves.
Satan is. The Jews (those who participate in these shenanigans, for an exception see Brother Nathaniel) are just useful tools of the true enemy.
If you aren't theologically inclined, then I could say "Mankind's imperfect (aka sinful) nature". People still screw eachother over without any jews being involved.
Yes, it's quite strange and counterintuitive, but JQ is actually being allowed now, and what timing! If you look at Israel, they had the most dystopian and effective jab program of any nation on earth in 2021. Nearly 100% jabbed, and they couldn't even go outside without it. If Jews were really the culprits, why would they seek to destroy their own population? And why all this self-destructive war since Oct 7 2023? Israel didn't have to dial up to 11, their extreme overreaction has spurred the first truly anti-zionist sentiment that we've seen in decades in the non-muslim world. Trump and conservative's extraordinary, blind love for Israel's genocides and ethnic cleansings line up also with a bizarrely exaggerated narrative... there's a message being conveyed here and a narrative being run that is not conventional or expected. I believe Israel and Zionism in general are being thrown under the bus to further Satan's goals of turning people from Christ.
First, infect Christianity with Zionism. Then, make the zionists go nuts with bloodlust. Then, make it all self-destruct in stark contrast to Dispensational bullshit readings of Scripture, and ta-da! You turn a whole world against Christianity and disillusion many if not most christians all at the same time. The only outcome will be massive bloodshed for nothing and Zionists will be to blame. That's what I see happening
hard to tell. mass honey pot perhaps. It's pretty hard to imagine they just lost control of twitter, Instagram etc and overnight normies are JQ posting though. People are being pushed in that direction. I don't understand it, but I can't explain the facts otherswise
I think these people you’re quoting got it wholly wrong, it’s an idiotic ploy. The fools who believe all these silly things are the most foaming at the mouth pitchfork wields bloodthirsty haters of the regime that exist, they are the rabble, the mob, that would tear it down the moment they got the chance, and they are the people who are die hard for Trump and did Jan 6. It is precisely that same population that is being targeted by Jewish subversion, to make them sympathetic to Zionism, but it isn’t working. It’s still those same fools. But if you believe trump is a regime stooge than you see this totally differently, you see these “rabble” as part of the problem and in need of education. Which is fine, and needs to happen.
I firmly believe that RW censorship on Twitter and YouTube was probably the best thing that could've happened to the sensible centre. It filtered out retards/grifters while leaving intelligent thinkers, who could dodge the censors, alone.
Now, with Elon being the owner of Xitter and Trump back in the White house. The discourse has become deafening, drowning out the original/intelligent thinkers with retarded and formulaic slop that reveals nothing and leads nowhere.
The Americans, with some exceptions, in particular have completely bought into the RW slopwave.
Would Trump have won if the right was still censored? Does it matter that Trump has won? I can agree with a lot of this logic but also tend to think that this outcome is still preferable. The counter elites were never going to offer more than a mixed bag at best. Still crazy to hear Marc Andreessen quote Yarvin.
Do you prefer to have "your guys" in power who then precede to stab you in the back at every opportunity?
Do you prefer to have your enemies in power who then precede to stab you in the front at every opportunity?
I choose the latter as it's more honest and creates a better environment for a genuine counter elite to emerge. Trump has neutered the DR in America from what I can see.
I don't think it matters. If you can't build infrastructure and organize, plus collectively strategize which will take sufficient human capital and the infrastructure itself will take legitimate capital, in either scenario, nothing will come of it. I've heard some venture capitalist, techno-right wing types (which there are a couple of these projects going on in America) who are carrying out some localizing community investment and building projects, and they said something akin to "Under Trump we will be permitted to organize and build infrastructure." I think this is the right mindset, whether it happens to be the case or not. If your plan consists of waiting on the population to become more radicalized by the left wing, then it isn't really much of a plan at all and would be "A Populist Delusion."
I disagree, the greater the selective pressure, the more competitive the counter elite. Any counter elite that forms during Trump's presidency will exist in a relatively friendly environment and will therefore be more likely to be broad coalition. This is closer to the Populist Delusionthst than the opposite.
Comparing the fall of feudal lords with the fall of brainy people of "online right" is completely wrong. It is true that "online right" has been healthier 10 years ago, but if you thought that it had some relevance even back then, you should get more serious. It is very positive that people like you, meaning intellectuals with some seriousness and ability, got under the influence of the doomers of the past (Evola, Spengler and many others), but this phenomenon is limited to the intellectual domain or to keeping some of these ideas, although in a very limited form, alive.
Main issue of man today, and for many decades, is rapid "racial" degeneration which got expressed in the consumer-bourgeois mindset completely dominating today. As Evola said, we are at the end of the cycle, and given the polycrisis we are in, maybe even at the end of the end of the cycle. The only way for those who see that is to "ride the tiger", which is primarily about transcending the bourgeois mindset, and wait for some unexpected help "from above", from true forces of tradition, which still exist.
Thank you, Scrump and Evelyn, since I sometimes don't even have time for the gym, I have to trust someone'e analysis, and I trust your's.
The online right and even activists are mostly looking at it as a hobby, deep down they don't care, I noticed it long ago, when I was an activist myself.
We care as much as people with other responsibilities can. We don't have any genuinely threatening institution behind which to throw our spare resources, let alone people working full time organizing such an element. Such a thing hardly seems realistic. Patriot Front has a reasonably charismatic leader but that doesn't seem enough. We need a revolutionary change of pace, yet one has to ask if there is even such potential energy available to be tapped.
Not being on twitter and only following some selected voices (AA, Dave Green, Scrumpmonkey e.t.c) can be so confusing. One day everyone calls themselves rightwing, and the next day everyone distance themselves from the label. All supposedly because something happened on on twitter.
I’m mostly in the same boat, but I heard Zuck, Besos, and Elon were all going to be at Trumps inauguration together. I assume this is what containment looks like in one perfect symbolic moment.
Still I am confused. I don’t pretend to understand elite theory front and back, but I thought having counter elites to ally with was always going to be a bit of a devils bargain. Their interests would always come first, but it was better than the alternative.
Yarvin always talks about those early internet days, when only the smart could get online. The discussion boards were full of deep discussion from thoughtful people. Then the plebs got on and couldn’t stop taking pictures of their meals before they stuff themselves. I guess AA and others are discovering this feeling for themselves. This is how it always goes when your thing becomes mainstream.
I totally agree. It's been hard to keep up with stuff over the years, not having a twitter account, but to be fair all I missed out on was drama and shite.
You were right about elite theory the whole time. But now is the time for redplebes. Be ready for NFL-style patriotism, soft gambling, demisex, and tv style “debates” about evolution and flag burning.
You went through this whole essay without mentioning Jews. Your real name and face are out there so perhaps that is why. The subversion is wholly and exclusively being done by Jews , and nothing remains of the right anymore but to call out Jews and Jewish lies and gatekeep them from the right, that is all that exists now. Trump won, that’s as much as we’re getting so we need to make our peace with it. The “right” isn’t dead, but what was once the dissident right isn’t dissident anymore, it’s mainstream. They’re nothing new and nothing special, the same Jews spewing the same lies and sowing the same discord as they’ve done for 2,000 years. The only way to deal with them is ignore them, correct the lies, order the truth, and don’t let them steer you off course. Devolving into a faggy slap fight with them is their tactic, you can’t win that way. The left overplayed their hand and now the Zionist right is overplaying their hand, let them step in it.
AA talks about the JQ (in lightly coded language because he posts it on Youtube) a lot, in fact he has a video about how October 7 was the reason that the elites started backing Trump and picked him to win 2024, hell he called out Captive Dreamer for being a Zionist Crypto-Jew, in one of these posts.
The vast majority of things you see come either in your feed from social media or you read things which others recommend, which will likely have been fed to them by Google or social media, so a feed again.
Apart from the damage the dopamine hits are doing to our mental health the internet is a co-ercive engine of propaganda for those who own it. Even using it for research has dubious worth.
“The left was defanged and made to wear a ridiculous rainbow-coloured frilly skirt as the world laughed at them, and now a similar process is taking place on the right.” Precisely. (I’m going to borrow that sentence, if I may?)
However, I sense reality reasserting itself on the right. Something the left cannot allow to happen on its side without shattering its whole world view.
The fact we are even talking about SM slop is an indication of this shift.
The odd IRL normie interactions I’ve had recently lead me to think more are aware of containment, if not the subtle mechanisms of it, than we imagine. (Farage seems to be the lightening rod in British normie world).
They may not have read Carlyle, but they get what’s happening. I don’t want to overstate the case, but I sense tectonic plates moving. .
If the implicit claim is that virtue exists in distancing one's self and disavowing a movement that has been evidently captured by elite interest--believing in the primacy of elite theory in explaining political phenomena of import--then the conclusion must be that one should never allow themselves to be a part of any political movement important enough to be construed as an elite threat. Instead, one should perpetually relegate themselves to the margins of the dialogue!
In other words, the prescription is to lose. Please correct me if I am mistaken, but this is the seed of perpetual ideological defeat--forever and ever!
The interim between Trumps election and inauguration has really shown a lot of people out.
One second you're being told to STFU and back Trump, which I did, or literally seek Canadian healthcare/get in the crystals; the next you're watching everyone scramble to sell some variation of, "well, I never said the incoming regime WOULDN'T dry-fuck us..."
We need disintermediation between our "yeoman intellectuals" and "the public". As long as writers are on someone else's payroll (e.g. giant corporate interests) they will always be susceptible to being subverted.
Sadly we really need to build our own infrastructure.
"From time to time, I open a newspaper [social media app]. Things seem to be proceeding at a dizzying rate. We are dancing not on the edge of a volcano, but on the wooden seat of a latrine, and it seems to me more than a touch rotten. Soon society will go plummeting down and drown in nineteen centuries of ****. There'll be quite a lot of shouting.”
‘Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance but to do what clearly lies at hand’ - Thomas Carlyle. Get busy in your own life.
The point about social media not needing to censor because it drowns out dissident voices in a sea of slop, was a deliberate operation first proposed by Cass Sunstein in a 2008 working paper.
This is the playbook the regime has followed ever since and it has worked perfectly:
"The intriguers effectively determined that “if you can’t lick ‘em, join ‘em” (as the old saying goes). That is, rather than working to REFUTE conspiracy theories, the solution would be to INFECT them and MISDIRECT them and add utter confusion to the mix. The consequence would be that conspiracy theories would look so ridiculous that no broad swath of people in the general public might one day actually begin to have any belief in their credibility.
"In the past, people did have doubts about the official stories relating to the JFK assassination, the Oklahoma City bombing and the 9-11 tragedy. Now, however, emerging alternative theories about other events would be totally eviscerated—from within—and die by their own accord. Anyone putting forth any form of conspiracy theory would automatically become suspect, their very sanity questioned." (Michael Collins, False Flags: Template for Terror, 2013)
As Bowden once said, the only things that the regime can't brook are genuine radical right-wing ideas, and religious fundamentalism. Anything less will eventually be digested and sanitized.
Very useful Mike cheers!!
All that matters is calling out Jews.
The Jews have been called out, unfortunately only people like us care.
Yes, too few people understand
Calling them out doesn't do a whole lot if no one is going to go the distance to hold them to account. Given our institutions have been oriented into one giant anti-pogrom machine, we effectively need genuine revolution. It appears the system itself has zero intention to hold them to account no matter how loudly they are called out.
Watch to see how Martyr Made's series on WW2 develops. My assumption is most will shrug and equivocate "every side in war is bad" and act as if there haven't been consequences to all the lies that must be answered for.
I do believe the truth is important, but we have to remember the purpose of calling them out is to empower authority which does not answer to them, even if we have to create that authority ourselves.
They are not the root problem.
Who/what is?
Satan is. The Jews (those who participate in these shenanigans, for an exception see Brother Nathaniel) are just useful tools of the true enemy.
If you aren't theologically inclined, then I could say "Mankind's imperfect (aka sinful) nature". People still screw eachother over without any jews being involved.
This has become almost mainstream now. Too mainstream. I'm suspicious people are being baited into this.
Yes, it's quite strange and counterintuitive, but JQ is actually being allowed now, and what timing! If you look at Israel, they had the most dystopian and effective jab program of any nation on earth in 2021. Nearly 100% jabbed, and they couldn't even go outside without it. If Jews were really the culprits, why would they seek to destroy their own population? And why all this self-destructive war since Oct 7 2023? Israel didn't have to dial up to 11, their extreme overreaction has spurred the first truly anti-zionist sentiment that we've seen in decades in the non-muslim world. Trump and conservative's extraordinary, blind love for Israel's genocides and ethnic cleansings line up also with a bizarrely exaggerated narrative... there's a message being conveyed here and a narrative being run that is not conventional or expected. I believe Israel and Zionism in general are being thrown under the bus to further Satan's goals of turning people from Christ.
First, infect Christianity with Zionism. Then, make the zionists go nuts with bloodlust. Then, make it all self-destruct in stark contrast to Dispensational bullshit readings of Scripture, and ta-da! You turn a whole world against Christianity and disillusion many if not most christians all at the same time. The only outcome will be massive bloodshed for nothing and Zionists will be to blame. That's what I see happening
A very interesting possibility. It all seems so high risk though
If we're all in the same place we're easier to distract or otherwise control.
To what end
hard to tell. mass honey pot perhaps. It's pretty hard to imagine they just lost control of twitter, Instagram etc and overnight normies are JQ posting though. People are being pushed in that direction. I don't understand it, but I can't explain the facts otherswise
They’re not being pushed that way
I think these people you’re quoting got it wholly wrong, it’s an idiotic ploy. The fools who believe all these silly things are the most foaming at the mouth pitchfork wields bloodthirsty haters of the regime that exist, they are the rabble, the mob, that would tear it down the moment they got the chance, and they are the people who are die hard for Trump and did Jan 6. It is precisely that same population that is being targeted by Jewish subversion, to make them sympathetic to Zionism, but it isn’t working. It’s still those same fools. But if you believe trump is a regime stooge than you see this totally differently, you see these “rabble” as part of the problem and in need of education. Which is fine, and needs to happen.
I firmly believe that RW censorship on Twitter and YouTube was probably the best thing that could've happened to the sensible centre. It filtered out retards/grifters while leaving intelligent thinkers, who could dodge the censors, alone.
Now, with Elon being the owner of Xitter and Trump back in the White house. The discourse has become deafening, drowning out the original/intelligent thinkers with retarded and formulaic slop that reveals nothing and leads nowhere.
The Americans, with some exceptions, in particular have completely bought into the RW slopwave.
It's all so tiresome.
Would Trump have won if the right was still censored? Does it matter that Trump has won? I can agree with a lot of this logic but also tend to think that this outcome is still preferable. The counter elites were never going to offer more than a mixed bag at best. Still crazy to hear Marc Andreessen quote Yarvin.
It depends on your own outlook.
Do you prefer to have "your guys" in power who then precede to stab you in the back at every opportunity?
Do you prefer to have your enemies in power who then precede to stab you in the front at every opportunity?
I choose the latter as it's more honest and creates a better environment for a genuine counter elite to emerge. Trump has neutered the DR in America from what I can see.
I don't think it matters. If you can't build infrastructure and organize, plus collectively strategize which will take sufficient human capital and the infrastructure itself will take legitimate capital, in either scenario, nothing will come of it. I've heard some venture capitalist, techno-right wing types (which there are a couple of these projects going on in America) who are carrying out some localizing community investment and building projects, and they said something akin to "Under Trump we will be permitted to organize and build infrastructure." I think this is the right mindset, whether it happens to be the case or not. If your plan consists of waiting on the population to become more radicalized by the left wing, then it isn't really much of a plan at all and would be "A Populist Delusion."
I disagree, the greater the selective pressure, the more competitive the counter elite. Any counter elite that forms during Trump's presidency will exist in a relatively friendly environment and will therefore be more likely to be broad coalition. This is closer to the Populist Delusionthst than the opposite.
It's an honour to be mentioned by you Mr. AA.
I'm a huge fan of your work and it has influenced me greatly, having read the Populist Delusion and your video essays on the Boomer Truth Regime.
Comparing the fall of feudal lords with the fall of brainy people of "online right" is completely wrong. It is true that "online right" has been healthier 10 years ago, but if you thought that it had some relevance even back then, you should get more serious. It is very positive that people like you, meaning intellectuals with some seriousness and ability, got under the influence of the doomers of the past (Evola, Spengler and many others), but this phenomenon is limited to the intellectual domain or to keeping some of these ideas, although in a very limited form, alive.
Main issue of man today, and for many decades, is rapid "racial" degeneration which got expressed in the consumer-bourgeois mindset completely dominating today. As Evola said, we are at the end of the cycle, and given the polycrisis we are in, maybe even at the end of the end of the cycle. The only way for those who see that is to "ride the tiger", which is primarily about transcending the bourgeois mindset, and wait for some unexpected help "from above", from true forces of tradition, which still exist.
We are left with crypto bros who think Evola’s Tradition looks like an Exxon ad from the 1950s
Thank you, Scrump and Evelyn, since I sometimes don't even have time for the gym, I have to trust someone'e analysis, and I trust your's.
The online right and even activists are mostly looking at it as a hobby, deep down they don't care, I noticed it long ago, when I was an activist myself.
We care as much as people with other responsibilities can. We don't have any genuinely threatening institution behind which to throw our spare resources, let alone people working full time organizing such an element. Such a thing hardly seems realistic. Patriot Front has a reasonably charismatic leader but that doesn't seem enough. We need a revolutionary change of pace, yet one has to ask if there is even such potential energy available to be tapped.
Ok, whatever.
Not being on twitter and only following some selected voices (AA, Dave Green, Scrumpmonkey e.t.c) can be so confusing. One day everyone calls themselves rightwing, and the next day everyone distance themselves from the label. All supposedly because something happened on on twitter.
I haven’t been on Twitter since before Christmas
I’m mostly in the same boat, but I heard Zuck, Besos, and Elon were all going to be at Trumps inauguration together. I assume this is what containment looks like in one perfect symbolic moment.
Still I am confused. I don’t pretend to understand elite theory front and back, but I thought having counter elites to ally with was always going to be a bit of a devils bargain. Their interests would always come first, but it was better than the alternative.
Yarvin always talks about those early internet days, when only the smart could get online. The discussion boards were full of deep discussion from thoughtful people. Then the plebs got on and couldn’t stop taking pictures of their meals before they stuff themselves. I guess AA and others are discovering this feeling for themselves. This is how it always goes when your thing becomes mainstream.
I totally agree. It's been hard to keep up with stuff over the years, not having a twitter account, but to be fair all I missed out on was drama and shite.
Could you drop a link to Dave Green's channel/substack/website in my dms? Trying to find more good sources
For some reason, I keep getting an error when trying to send you a dm, so I reply here:
Dave Green's YT:
Thank you sir much appreciated!
You were right about elite theory the whole time. But now is the time for redplebes. Be ready for NFL-style patriotism, soft gambling, demisex, and tv style “debates” about evolution and flag burning.
Lots of cleavage and supple flesh on screen. Ugly hookup culture in real life
Once this space became semi-mainstream, it was diluted by slop.
The realigned western elite has taken the most sanitized threads of our discourse and weaved it into a monstrosity of their will.
You went through this whole essay without mentioning Jews. Your real name and face are out there so perhaps that is why. The subversion is wholly and exclusively being done by Jews , and nothing remains of the right anymore but to call out Jews and Jewish lies and gatekeep them from the right, that is all that exists now. Trump won, that’s as much as we’re getting so we need to make our peace with it. The “right” isn’t dead, but what was once the dissident right isn’t dissident anymore, it’s mainstream. They’re nothing new and nothing special, the same Jews spewing the same lies and sowing the same discord as they’ve done for 2,000 years. The only way to deal with them is ignore them, correct the lies, order the truth, and don’t let them steer you off course. Devolving into a faggy slap fight with them is their tactic, you can’t win that way. The left overplayed their hand and now the Zionist right is overplaying their hand, let them step in it.
Fair enough. I don’t go hard on people who use their real face and name.
AA talks about the JQ (in lightly coded language because he posts it on Youtube) a lot, in fact he has a video about how October 7 was the reason that the elites started backing Trump and picked him to win 2024, hell he called out Captive Dreamer for being a Zionist Crypto-Jew, in one of these posts.
Online is almost entirely 'fake'.
The vast majority of things you see come either in your feed from social media or you read things which others recommend, which will likely have been fed to them by Google or social media, so a feed again.
Apart from the damage the dopamine hits are doing to our mental health the internet is a co-ercive engine of propaganda for those who own it. Even using it for research has dubious worth.
“The left was defanged and made to wear a ridiculous rainbow-coloured frilly skirt as the world laughed at them, and now a similar process is taking place on the right.” Precisely. (I’m going to borrow that sentence, if I may?)
However, I sense reality reasserting itself on the right. Something the left cannot allow to happen on its side without shattering its whole world view.
The fact we are even talking about SM slop is an indication of this shift.
The odd IRL normie interactions I’ve had recently lead me to think more are aware of containment, if not the subtle mechanisms of it, than we imagine. (Farage seems to be the lightening rod in British normie world).
They may not have read Carlyle, but they get what’s happening. I don’t want to overstate the case, but I sense tectonic plates moving. .
If the implicit claim is that virtue exists in distancing one's self and disavowing a movement that has been evidently captured by elite interest--believing in the primacy of elite theory in explaining political phenomena of import--then the conclusion must be that one should never allow themselves to be a part of any political movement important enough to be construed as an elite threat. Instead, one should perpetually relegate themselves to the margins of the dialogue!
In other words, the prescription is to lose. Please correct me if I am mistaken, but this is the seed of perpetual ideological defeat--forever and ever!
Not necessarily. Once the correct vanguard is established and watertight it may be the one. But those currently “on offer” as it were are a con.
The interim between Trumps election and inauguration has really shown a lot of people out.
One second you're being told to STFU and back Trump, which I did, or literally seek Canadian healthcare/get in the crystals; the next you're watching everyone scramble to sell some variation of, "well, I never said the incoming regime WOULDN'T dry-fuck us..."
We need disintermediation between our "yeoman intellectuals" and "the public". As long as writers are on someone else's payroll (e.g. giant corporate interests) they will always be susceptible to being subverted.
Sadly we really need to build our own infrastructure.
"From time to time, I open a newspaper [social media app]. Things seem to be proceeding at a dizzying rate. We are dancing not on the edge of a volcano, but on the wooden seat of a latrine, and it seems to me more than a touch rotten. Soon society will go plummeting down and drown in nineteen centuries of ****. There'll be quite a lot of shouting.”
– Gustave Flaubert, 1850