The historical analogy for Blair would be Plutarco Elías Calles, president of Mexico in the 1920's who created a party that ruled virtually uninterrupted for the rest of the 20th century. After leaving office in 1928 he unofficially ran Mexican politics for years and was called "el Jefe Máximo".

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When Tony Benn stepped down from the House of Commons in 2001, he said he was leaving Parliament “in order to spend more time on politics”. Tony Benn was being sarcastic, but Tony Blair seems to have actually made the Benn phrase into a reality.

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13

In Japan, this system is known as 院政 Insei, rule by the retired Emperor.

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I want AA to interview the dark lord so terribly. Though I don't trust AA to not feel a moral obligation to off him for the sake of avenging Britain's honor.

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Our mage needs time before he can face the dark one: artifacts (cigars) must be collected and divine rites of protection (twitter hashtags) must be enacted for that occult clash

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The aura around Blair, of course, persists because "Yours Truly" and others in the space devote so much attention to him and often wade into the heaping of praise on him for his ability. It's impossible to deny his political superiority, in particular compared to his peers; it's similarly impossible to be underwhelmed by his influence around the globe.

But, when all is said and done, he is just a man. He thus has the same vulnerabilities as any one of us. When you realise that we cannot vote out way out of this, and couple that realisation with the acknowledgement of the vulnerabilities of one man (albeit a very influential man), you can start to see a way out from under Blair's thumb. He is just a man. And "Yours Truly" ought to be doing more to help people realise this.

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Follow the money: 'The aim of both the Rothschilds and Blair is to wipe out what is left of traditional human life and freedom in order to impose their new world order of artifice, surveillance and control, in which the 99.9% are confined in smart-city gulags, eating insects, while the criminal ultra-rich are free to treat the rest of the world as a privatised party-zone and safari park...

...It is difficult to disagree with researcher Rubin’s warning that “Tony Blair is coordinating with the Rothschild family to fundamentally reshape British society and implement a global, digital slave state”.


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Interesting article. Thanks for posting the link

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In an interview, Paul Staines of Guido Fawkes revealed that there are two “Starmer scandals” which he’s been told about by insiders, but not given enough evidence to publish. One is personal (of the sort Boris Johnson had several, without apparently suffering any career setbacks). The other is more serious, concerning his time as DPP. Presumably these can be used against Starmer at a later date if needed.

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This essay reminds me that Dr Francis Young was correct to write a book about the occult in British politics.

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Torture by force lightning! 🤣🤣🤣

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The Starmer Viceroyalty is here.

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How do you account for Milliband overruling the regulators on N Sea licensing? Has he gone off piste and will he be made an example of?

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The Tories are no longer the natural party of government.

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