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That is a list of things basically you don't want to see and quite honestly reeks of Nietzsche's last man. What positive constructive things do you want to see and what metaphysical basis justifies them.

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I don't need any of that. I live, I die, and while alive, me and the groups I belong to should have political power and create a society that benefits us most, easy as.

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So a society with literally no positive content or transcendent aspirations? That is basically just what we have now minus forced diversity and will decay soon enough back into forced diversity without a transcendent moral framework to keep the cultural Marxists at bay.

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"If religion were a thing that money could buy, the rich would live--and the poor would die. All my troubles Lord, will soon be over."

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Easy as equals simple minded and not thinking at why socities decline in the first place.

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Societies decline because people want too many freedoms and there is no corpus to regulate deviancy and hedonism.

You're overcomplicating this and making it about temples, pyramids, opera and whatever dumb shit colonial empire numba 5 or 6 did.

Nation, borders first. Deviancy second. We'll see after that. Don't struggle for the details, learn to set aside your petty grievances to accomplish the important stuff first.

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You are just as low brow as the woke crowd. You need an aristocrats to stare down his monocle at you and set you straight about why western culture is great, and no it isn't last man comfort it is having a transcendent framework that enobles the beast within and encourages striving for excellence.

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We should eat the elites and aristocracy for dinner.

Lmao, imagine mercy for elites, regardless of provenience.

None shall be given. All elites are liberal and socially progressive.

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You are literally ignorant, through the Renaissance the aristocracy was a patron of the arts and building cathedrals, and in turn was kept in check by a stern powerful clergy. There was nothing progressive about it and your ignorance of history is appalling.

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Nobility should be expropriated, like all elites.

There is not ONE elite that is hard right nationalistic, not ONE elite that is not pro-LGBTQIA+++++.

The masses should fuck them all up, in good ol' fashion, and remove the source of their power, i.e. MONEY.

Building cathedrals lel. Don't you want mosques or synagogues too, or you think your desert god is better than others?

Nobility of the soul is woowoo, cannot be measured. Wealth can be measured. Borders can be measured. Genetics can be measured. Biological sex and reproduction can be measured.

Elites, always the deviant, degenerate bunch, always despising peasants and thinking their inbred blood allows them a right to hereditary rule.

We will fix all this.

also, lmao at your lamentations, absolutely comical.

Imagine being a rich boi enabler in 2022, what's next, you gonna tell me how Elon Musk and Bezos are the incarnation of some Ayn Rand divinity?

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Ok commie. Seriously though what percentage of any strata of the population is hard right nationalist. This all will change at all stratas when society starts to hard core disintegrate at which point we will need nobel leaders not populist dimwits.

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Lol only that which can be measured is important? Add vulgar materialism to your sins. You are like a national socialist who actually takes the socialist part seriously what a buffoon.

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You are at baee a lowest common denominator man ie a commie just minus the forced diversity. But still a racialialist commie is still a commie and lacks the nobility of soul and the discernment ie ability to engage in judgment and sort the high from the low that is necessary to create a great civilization.

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