Whether or not de Gobineau's central thesis is correct or not, the Cherokee are probably the worst choice to pick as far as North American natives go. They assimilated quite decently, at least to a degree, some of them even owning their own plantations and Negros by the middle of the 19th century, and I say that as someone who is descend…
Whether or not de Gobineau's central thesis is correct or not, the Cherokee are probably the worst choice to pick as far as North American natives go. They assimilated quite decently, at least to a degree, some of them even owning their own plantations and Negros by the middle of the 19th century, and I say that as someone who is descended from both people who were hacked to death and scalped by Cherokees and also from some Cherokee squaws.
Whether or not de Gobineau's central thesis is correct or not, the Cherokee are probably the worst choice to pick as far as North American natives go. They assimilated quite decently, at least to a degree, some of them even owning their own plantations and Negros by the middle of the 19th century, and I say that as someone who is descended from both people who were hacked to death and scalped by Cherokees and also from some Cherokee squaws.