You make a good point that they're mostly unrelated, but also I would argue that Christianity stripped of an actual mysticism or applied spirituality was just a set of moral codes posing as something more and that is another reason why it was superfluous. As Asia among other examples have shown, you can have a functioning moral code with…
You make a good point that they're mostly unrelated, but also I would argue that Christianity stripped of an actual mysticism or applied spirituality was just a set of moral codes posing as something more and that is another reason why it was superfluous. As Asia among other examples have shown, you can have a functioning moral code without Yahweh and Jewish supremacist literature at the core of your theology.
You make a good point that they're mostly unrelated, but also I would argue that Christianity stripped of an actual mysticism or applied spirituality was just a set of moral codes posing as something more and that is another reason why it was superfluous. As Asia among other examples have shown, you can have a functioning moral code without Yahweh and Jewish supremacist literature at the core of your theology.
Great blog!