Here in America there are several factors fueling a turn against the woke by the ruling elite. During the Trump presidency, denizens of the deep state forged an alliance with the "woke" radical left to help them get rid of Trump. In doing so they gave the woke left quite a bit of headwind in terms of its ability to make a damn nuisance of itself, and many in the elite beginning to lose their patience with it. But there's more to it than just that. Nearly all the fraud perpetuated in the 2020 Presidential election came from three sources: the radical (i.e. "woke") left, the Chinese, and (in Arizona) a prominent Mexican drug cartel. The regime may have been willing to make use of such forces in rid themselves of Trump in 2020, but they really don't want to be beholden to such factions going forward. The other issue is that the regime is experiencing quite a lot of buyer's remorse when it comes to Biden, who's Presidency is being run by various cliques in the White House vying with each other for power. An even bigger problem is that there's not an easy fix for this problem. If Biden doesn't run, then Kamela Harris, the most stupid person ever to hold high office in American history (which is quite an accomplishment) becomes the leading candidate of the deep state. She's so stupid RFK would probably beat her, despite the Democratic primary being fixed on her behalf. And I suspect the regime is more afraid of RFK than they are of Trump. Which means their optimal candidate of choice right now is DeSantis. The only question is whether they can use some kind of legal rigmarole to take Trump out, because otherwise Trump will be the nominee.
"President Kamala Harris" gives me chills that are indescribable. I think the threat of this horrific event even being capable of happening may trigger Americans into finally putting their foot down.
The same basically happened with Hillary. She was so patently repugnant that she could not be made attractive even with the most fauning media attention money (or blood sacrifices to Molech) could buy.
That would seem to be the case. There are increasing reports that Trump will be indicted by the DOJ this week over his alleged mishandling of classified documents. It's of course entirely bogus charge. But if the trial is held in Washington D.C., he will likely be convicted, presumably leaving the field open to DeSantis (although there's at least a chance Trump can have any conviction overturned on appeal).
It appears that they're actually doing precisely that. There are reports that Trump's lawyers "begged" the DOJ not to indict Trump earlier this week. I suppose it's always possible if Trump stands up to them they'll chicken out at the last moment, but I doubt that. If they can't find some way to trip up Trump, there's a good chance he'll win the 2024 election. There are quite a few denizens of the ruling elite who'd break out in hives at the mere thought of another Trump Presidency and would be willing to take some serious risks to derail his candidacy. Now that doesn't mean they will succeed in their machinations. They don't really have anything solid against Trump and even if they can massage a corrupt justice system into convicting the guy, he can still run from prison. If enough people grasp the fact that he was convicted unjustly and for nakedly political reasons, perhaps he could even win the Presidency from the hoosegow.
Everything you had said alongside the mainstream American right now having a different perspective towards corporations instead of just ranting about tax cuts and the “free market” does seem to send a cautiously optimistic signal for the future. One of the greatest things to come out of the Trump-era was the destruction of credibility of the “expert-class” who most people simply roll their eyes at now (i.e. experts say, according to experts, etc.)
In the moment of decision, Trump stayed in the white house while half of America was locked in their homes.
In the moment of decision, Trump let several of the nation's cities burn to the ground.
In the moment of decision, Trump chose to help and enable the "drug manufacturers" to roll out their "experimental treatment" on America and the world.
In his last test, Trump let a senile old man take his place in accordance with the results of "the most fortified election in history."
This is why the regime trusts him. He passed the last and most important test. He was offered the crown and didn't take it. Even though he knows the crown is his (he still hasn't formally conceded the election), he didn't take it, and thats what matters.
Not to mention Trump never took any serious action against his political enemies. Imagine if Bill Barr and the Trump administration did half of the things Merrick Garland and Biden's FBI do to conservatives regularly but against leftists. This is why Trump, unless he changes significantly in the next 15 months, is not a threat to the regime.
All of that is true enough, but the fact still remains that they’re evidently still out to get him at any cost - they’ll never let him get anywhere close to the presidency again. I don’t understand why that would be if they’re not afraid of him on some level, even if it’s just because he makes them look bad.
I'm with Auron here. And I suspect you will attempt to lower the standard of evidence in an attempt to win.
Your problem is that you think of woke more as tool than a religion. Big mistake.
Moreover, you ought to focus more on what's going on in the education system rather than just looking at the greater culture itself. Here in Canada, the education system is ramping up woke pedagogy, not shelving it away. Therefore, the worst is still to come; I'm more of a politics is downstream of education (ideas) thinker than I am a politics is downstream of culture or power one.
I would prefer to believe you, and I can think of many reasons why. But the problem is: Reason is the enemy of Woke, so it has no purchase.
I recall you saying you weren't sure why they needed white boys to die in their wars, and not use foreigners. Radlib suggested it was a bureaucratic issue: that they couldn't get security clearance. But that's not the reason. The real reason is far more obvious and far more significant.
They already tried it in Vietnam. They admitted and grouped together soldiers that failed the Army's IQ test. Unsurprisingly they were about half Black and Latino; they were hugely overrepresented. They're called McNamara's Morons. They died at three times the rate of regular soldiers. Apparently they were too loud, couldn't read maps, got lost and fired too much ammo.
War is extremely complex, even disregarding modern technology. Include modern technology and there's no. Way. In. Hell. You are going to replace your white boys with fucking Africans and South American rape babies.
Mad Mike Hoare put it best: "They don't understand espirit de corps. 'Go out and die, for what?' They don't understand it; and they don't do it."
I have no doubt there will be an attempt to put the woke away, but how successful this will be I think is not certain. Power in the Cathedral is distributed, and many of the nodes have a fanatical devotion to the worship of sodomy and blacks. CEOs might ask their PR departments to tone it down this June, and Blair's party might shift messaging, but will the universities do the same? Will the journalists? Will Hollywood?
When a corrupt & sectarian oligarchy takes over a society there has always been one effective mode of redress: for the sovereign to appeal to the base. The monarchy and the people unite in humbling or displacing the aristocracy. This is what needs to happen. Trump was just this sort of monarch (at least in spirit if not in act), which is why the aristocracy hated him and gave him the slur "populist". Julius Caesar and Napoleon were likewise such "populist" monarchs. The wokeist oligarchs are basically summoning a popular dictator, a Caesarist overlord, into being — in spite of themselves. If America feels under serious military threat at any moment whatsoever it will immediately elect such a Caesar. The oligarchs in the institutions you mentioned won't willingly give up their posts, no, but they can be chased out or chastened into submission by a strong-man sovereign and a rowdy populace. Besides, you will find only a few of them are true-believing fanatics. The majority are grifting fellow-travellers. The wokeist faith won't inspire many martyrs when it's clear the reddit "SCIENCE!" view of the universe is bankrupt and when war & poverty bring the necessities of life back into clearer view.
Great article AA. Loving the sharp prose. I think you are right about this, and far from your worst take I think it's your very best and most relevant one. I have the same intuitive premonitions. In fact, I'm certain the Regime blundered in 2016 by counter-signalling Brexit and Trump. They were simply behind the times and didn't understand the character and greatness of this historico-political moment. They were still in Francis Fukuyuma mode and believed that history had ended, and that we were sleepwalking into a pozzed utopian bliss forevermore. 2016 was the first time, in my lifetime, where the Regime took a serious blow to its confidence, its orientation, its ideology. (Coincidentally, it was the first time in my life when I felt an active and present day pride in my country — Britain.) It was the first time the public had dared to say 'No' to the entire post-war, Boomer ideology. And it wasn't even that emphatic a 'No'. It was more a grumble than a shout. And yet it sent them into epileptic fits, into an apoplectic rage. It was both hilarious and disturbing to watch—their bizarre overreaction. If the Regime had been smart — truly 'Machiavellian' and 'Bismarckian', and not had the wool pulled over its eyes by the radical sect of wokeist and globalist fanatics — it would have registered what had happened, and immediately backed both Brexit and Trump and incorporated each into their narrative. They didn't know how to do this though. They were so shocked and blindsided by those turn of events. It hadn't dawned on them, and still hasn't dawned on them yet really, that the post-war consensus has been an overreaction to the Nationalist fanaticism of the late 19th, early 20th centuries, and that our present-day Globalist fanaticism is just as destructive and hated by the people. Their ideology has been preventing them from seeing this and they will be rushing to catch up with history in these next two decades. It's also why they are unable to interpret the Putin phenomenon as anything but a resurgent Czarism; when in fact it's merely a protest against US imperialism under the shadow of the Globalist political and financial sect. If they are smart this time, the Regime will back Trump 2024 and use him to reinvigorate classical Americanism and American Republicanism and prepare for serious future conflicts. Surely they have to see how useful Trump is, how he's been served up on a golden platter for them as a means to restore faith in the American ideology among a jaded populace; he's the only active American politician that anyone sincerely loves. The way they raged against him as a Hitler was sick and embarrassing. Surely they should see how much better he is to a decrepit old fool like Biden, whom nobody loves or even respects.
Very well said. The question is if there are enough competent members left in the elite who realize this to actually pull it off and harness this populist “trumpist” energy toward their own ends, particularly here in the US.
Yes, if all the populists want is to put the woke away hiding away the rainbows actually serves the regime.
I talk to some on our side who argue that if the woke gets put away, we’ve won. They say that even if power doesn’t change hands, it doesn’t matter, so long as they’re not forcing sodomy on the children. “Tax me to hell just don’t make me fly the rainbow flag to boot.”
To which presumably you respond “Putting the woke away is not a victory because our enemies are still in power.” I agree, but it does the raise a question as to what exactly makes them our enemy.
I think for many people, if they put the colorful flag away the regime will seem like friends again. I think this is wrong--they’re our avowed enemies. But it will take the energy out of our side.
Those in power need to take action to quash populism. They're in an advantageous position to do so and always will do because the alternative is regime overthrow. It's easy for them to defeat populism but they still need to take action to do so.
'Ordo ab Chao' is a Latin phrase that is translated to mean 'Order from chaos' in English. It is known by masons as the motto of the 33rd degree.
Chaos is created to justify imposition of world order with public approval.
"Oh... you think a women is someone who has a vagina? That means you are the only sane political candidate and you can have my vote."
The famous stained glass ‘Fabian Window’, commissioned by Shaw in 1910, depicts the sledge-hammering of the globe by The Fabians under the slogan “Remould it nearer to the heart’s desire.”
In your chat about wokeness and where it comes from last night AA you forgot to mention the Middle Class Puritanism that has existed in Europe and America since the 15th century which I feel is extension of Wokeness. You did a video on this, ''Why the middle class is so left wing''. Ed Dutton has gone to lengths on this phenomena and so has Moldbug. I think we should take these credos more seriously. By extension we are putting ''Puritanism away'' for the moment.
I hope but I'm currently writing a piece that favours really just Paganism and not Christianity. I feel Christianity is the thing that brought much of our current ills into being. Not so much the creed itself, although some of it is meh, but the way its been subverted and twisted. I feel Marxism, Liberalism, Christianity, Puritanism, Secular Humanism all come from the same bread basket. Real Pre Socratic thought is the inversion of all these morality systems and I feel it has a lot to say about us today. Its alien to some people because all we've ever known is Liberalism. But the Pre Socratics hold some deep insights that later people like Spengler, Nietzsche, Evola, and Heidegger bring back.
Your last conclusion is important and as a younger person concerning. What will it be like when everyone is back asleep? All my aware life has been people preparing for woke forever, which was never gonna happen but what do we do when everything is back to one party bipartisan rule? I’m still betting the future will be more boring than it is now which is arguably the worst outcome but the inevitable one....
Here in America there are several factors fueling a turn against the woke by the ruling elite. During the Trump presidency, denizens of the deep state forged an alliance with the "woke" radical left to help them get rid of Trump. In doing so they gave the woke left quite a bit of headwind in terms of its ability to make a damn nuisance of itself, and many in the elite beginning to lose their patience with it. But there's more to it than just that. Nearly all the fraud perpetuated in the 2020 Presidential election came from three sources: the radical (i.e. "woke") left, the Chinese, and (in Arizona) a prominent Mexican drug cartel. The regime may have been willing to make use of such forces in rid themselves of Trump in 2020, but they really don't want to be beholden to such factions going forward. The other issue is that the regime is experiencing quite a lot of buyer's remorse when it comes to Biden, who's Presidency is being run by various cliques in the White House vying with each other for power. An even bigger problem is that there's not an easy fix for this problem. If Biden doesn't run, then Kamela Harris, the most stupid person ever to hold high office in American history (which is quite an accomplishment) becomes the leading candidate of the deep state. She's so stupid RFK would probably beat her, despite the Democratic primary being fixed on her behalf. And I suspect the regime is more afraid of RFK than they are of Trump. Which means their optimal candidate of choice right now is DeSantis. The only question is whether they can use some kind of legal rigmarole to take Trump out, because otherwise Trump will be the nominee.
Excellent post
"President Kamala Harris" gives me chills that are indescribable. I think the threat of this horrific event even being capable of happening may trigger Americans into finally putting their foot down.
The same basically happened with Hillary. She was so patently repugnant that she could not be made attractive even with the most fauning media attention money (or blood sacrifices to Molech) could buy.
Desantis is definitely the regime choice.
Can we rename him DePlantis
That would seem to be the case. There are increasing reports that Trump will be indicted by the DOJ this week over his alleged mishandling of classified documents. It's of course entirely bogus charge. But if the trial is held in Washington D.C., he will likely be convicted, presumably leaving the field open to DeSantis (although there's at least a chance Trump can have any conviction overturned on appeal).
I don't know, do they really have the balls to do that? The repercussions would be terrific.
It appears that they're actually doing precisely that. There are reports that Trump's lawyers "begged" the DOJ not to indict Trump earlier this week. I suppose it's always possible if Trump stands up to them they'll chicken out at the last moment, but I doubt that. If they can't find some way to trip up Trump, there's a good chance he'll win the 2024 election. There are quite a few denizens of the ruling elite who'd break out in hives at the mere thought of another Trump Presidency and would be willing to take some serious risks to derail his candidacy. Now that doesn't mean they will succeed in their machinations. They don't really have anything solid against Trump and even if they can massage a corrupt justice system into convicting the guy, he can still run from prison. If enough people grasp the fact that he was convicted unjustly and for nakedly political reasons, perhaps he could even win the Presidency from the hoosegow.
"We've passed Peak Bumsex. Here's why that's a good thing" - The Atlantic
Everything you had said alongside the mainstream American right now having a different perspective towards corporations instead of just ranting about tax cuts and the “free market” does seem to send a cautiously optimistic signal for the future. One of the greatest things to come out of the Trump-era was the destruction of credibility of the “expert-class” who most people simply roll their eyes at now (i.e. experts say, according to experts, etc.)
In the moment of decision, Trump stayed in the white house while half of America was locked in their homes.
In the moment of decision, Trump let several of the nation's cities burn to the ground.
In the moment of decision, Trump chose to help and enable the "drug manufacturers" to roll out their "experimental treatment" on America and the world.
In his last test, Trump let a senile old man take his place in accordance with the results of "the most fortified election in history."
This is why the regime trusts him. He passed the last and most important test. He was offered the crown and didn't take it. Even though he knows the crown is his (he still hasn't formally conceded the election), he didn't take it, and thats what matters.
Not to mention Trump never took any serious action against his political enemies. Imagine if Bill Barr and the Trump administration did half of the things Merrick Garland and Biden's FBI do to conservatives regularly but against leftists. This is why Trump, unless he changes significantly in the next 15 months, is not a threat to the regime.
All of that is true enough, but the fact still remains that they’re evidently still out to get him at any cost - they’ll never let him get anywhere close to the presidency again. I don’t understand why that would be if they’re not afraid of him on some level, even if it’s just because he makes them look bad.
I'm with Auron here. And I suspect you will attempt to lower the standard of evidence in an attempt to win.
Your problem is that you think of woke more as tool than a religion. Big mistake.
Moreover, you ought to focus more on what's going on in the education system rather than just looking at the greater culture itself. Here in Canada, the education system is ramping up woke pedagogy, not shelving it away. Therefore, the worst is still to come; I'm more of a politics is downstream of education (ideas) thinker than I am a politics is downstream of culture or power one.
I would prefer to believe you, and I can think of many reasons why. But the problem is: Reason is the enemy of Woke, so it has no purchase.
Politics and power are basically synonymous, at least by AA’s thinking.
I recall you saying you weren't sure why they needed white boys to die in their wars, and not use foreigners. Radlib suggested it was a bureaucratic issue: that they couldn't get security clearance. But that's not the reason. The real reason is far more obvious and far more significant.
They already tried it in Vietnam. They admitted and grouped together soldiers that failed the Army's IQ test. Unsurprisingly they were about half Black and Latino; they were hugely overrepresented. They're called McNamara's Morons. They died at three times the rate of regular soldiers. Apparently they were too loud, couldn't read maps, got lost and fired too much ammo.
War is extremely complex, even disregarding modern technology. Include modern technology and there's no. Way. In. Hell. You are going to replace your white boys with fucking Africans and South American rape babies.
Mad Mike Hoare put it best: "They don't understand espirit de corps. 'Go out and die, for what?' They don't understand it; and they don't do it."
I want in on this bet. AA is right and I want Auron to buy me a cigar also.
I have no doubt there will be an attempt to put the woke away, but how successful this will be I think is not certain. Power in the Cathedral is distributed, and many of the nodes have a fanatical devotion to the worship of sodomy and blacks. CEOs might ask their PR departments to tone it down this June, and Blair's party might shift messaging, but will the universities do the same? Will the journalists? Will Hollywood?
When a corrupt & sectarian oligarchy takes over a society there has always been one effective mode of redress: for the sovereign to appeal to the base. The monarchy and the people unite in humbling or displacing the aristocracy. This is what needs to happen. Trump was just this sort of monarch (at least in spirit if not in act), which is why the aristocracy hated him and gave him the slur "populist". Julius Caesar and Napoleon were likewise such "populist" monarchs. The wokeist oligarchs are basically summoning a popular dictator, a Caesarist overlord, into being — in spite of themselves. If America feels under serious military threat at any moment whatsoever it will immediately elect such a Caesar. The oligarchs in the institutions you mentioned won't willingly give up their posts, no, but they can be chased out or chastened into submission by a strong-man sovereign and a rowdy populace. Besides, you will find only a few of them are true-believing fanatics. The majority are grifting fellow-travellers. The wokeist faith won't inspire many martyrs when it's clear the reddit "SCIENCE!" view of the universe is bankrupt and when war & poverty bring the necessities of life back into clearer view.
Maintaining dissident energy after a succesfull containment operation will be challenging.
Great article AA. Loving the sharp prose. I think you are right about this, and far from your worst take I think it's your very best and most relevant one. I have the same intuitive premonitions. In fact, I'm certain the Regime blundered in 2016 by counter-signalling Brexit and Trump. They were simply behind the times and didn't understand the character and greatness of this historico-political moment. They were still in Francis Fukuyuma mode and believed that history had ended, and that we were sleepwalking into a pozzed utopian bliss forevermore. 2016 was the first time, in my lifetime, where the Regime took a serious blow to its confidence, its orientation, its ideology. (Coincidentally, it was the first time in my life when I felt an active and present day pride in my country — Britain.) It was the first time the public had dared to say 'No' to the entire post-war, Boomer ideology. And it wasn't even that emphatic a 'No'. It was more a grumble than a shout. And yet it sent them into epileptic fits, into an apoplectic rage. It was both hilarious and disturbing to watch—their bizarre overreaction. If the Regime had been smart — truly 'Machiavellian' and 'Bismarckian', and not had the wool pulled over its eyes by the radical sect of wokeist and globalist fanatics — it would have registered what had happened, and immediately backed both Brexit and Trump and incorporated each into their narrative. They didn't know how to do this though. They were so shocked and blindsided by those turn of events. It hadn't dawned on them, and still hasn't dawned on them yet really, that the post-war consensus has been an overreaction to the Nationalist fanaticism of the late 19th, early 20th centuries, and that our present-day Globalist fanaticism is just as destructive and hated by the people. Their ideology has been preventing them from seeing this and they will be rushing to catch up with history in these next two decades. It's also why they are unable to interpret the Putin phenomenon as anything but a resurgent Czarism; when in fact it's merely a protest against US imperialism under the shadow of the Globalist political and financial sect. If they are smart this time, the Regime will back Trump 2024 and use him to reinvigorate classical Americanism and American Republicanism and prepare for serious future conflicts. Surely they have to see how useful Trump is, how he's been served up on a golden platter for them as a means to restore faith in the American ideology among a jaded populace; he's the only active American politician that anyone sincerely loves. The way they raged against him as a Hitler was sick and embarrassing. Surely they should see how much better he is to a decrepit old fool like Biden, whom nobody loves or even respects.
Very well said. The question is if there are enough competent members left in the elite who realize this to actually pull it off and harness this populist “trumpist” energy toward their own ends, particularly here in the US.
Hasn’t this entire conversation fallen for the populist delusion?
It doesn’t matter who the American POTUS is. The octopus is in power whether it is Trump, DeSantis, or Charlemagne (the actual not the anon).
Populists plan, the deep state laughs.
This is the regime essentially just co-opting populism for its own ends.
Yes, if all the populists want is to put the woke away hiding away the rainbows actually serves the regime.
I talk to some on our side who argue that if the woke gets put away, we’ve won. They say that even if power doesn’t change hands, it doesn’t matter, so long as they’re not forcing sodomy on the children. “Tax me to hell just don’t make me fly the rainbow flag to boot.”
To which presumably you respond “Putting the woke away is not a victory because our enemies are still in power.” I agree, but it does the raise a question as to what exactly makes them our enemy.
I think for many people, if they put the colorful flag away the regime will seem like friends again. I think this is wrong--they’re our avowed enemies. But it will take the energy out of our side.
Those in power need to take action to quash populism. They're in an advantageous position to do so and always will do because the alternative is regime overthrow. It's easy for them to defeat populism but they still need to take action to do so.
I like the link to the YT short
'Ordo ab Chao' is a Latin phrase that is translated to mean 'Order from chaos' in English. It is known by masons as the motto of the 33rd degree.
Chaos is created to justify imposition of world order with public approval.
"Oh... you think a women is someone who has a vagina? That means you are the only sane political candidate and you can have my vote."
The famous stained glass ‘Fabian Window’, commissioned by Shaw in 1910, depicts the sledge-hammering of the globe by The Fabians under the slogan “Remould it nearer to the heart’s desire.”
According to some, hollywood is now hiring writers to get the woke out of their series & movies.
In your chat about wokeness and where it comes from last night AA you forgot to mention the Middle Class Puritanism that has existed in Europe and America since the 15th century which I feel is extension of Wokeness. You did a video on this, ''Why the middle class is so left wing''. Ed Dutton has gone to lengths on this phenomena and so has Moldbug. I think we should take these credos more seriously. By extension we are putting ''Puritanism away'' for the moment.
I hope but I'm currently writing a piece that favours really just Paganism and not Christianity. I feel Christianity is the thing that brought much of our current ills into being. Not so much the creed itself, although some of it is meh, but the way its been subverted and twisted. I feel Marxism, Liberalism, Christianity, Puritanism, Secular Humanism all come from the same bread basket. Real Pre Socratic thought is the inversion of all these morality systems and I feel it has a lot to say about us today. Its alien to some people because all we've ever known is Liberalism. But the Pre Socratics hold some deep insights that later people like Spengler, Nietzsche, Evola, and Heidegger bring back.
I want to hear your opinions!!!
will have a read!!
Your last conclusion is important and as a younger person concerning. What will it be like when everyone is back asleep? All my aware life has been people preparing for woke forever, which was never gonna happen but what do we do when everything is back to one party bipartisan rule? I’m still betting the future will be more boring than it is now which is arguably the worst outcome but the inevitable one....