An excellent article. Thank you very much for sharing this on your substack! I was not able to attend the event, and would have not seen this otherwise.

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Does this mean using conspiritards as our useful idiots..? I was even thinking of the sort of leftists who go on about a 'revolution' but they just want more munny for the state and don't want to CLEAR THEM OUT entirely.

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Our positive vision is to 'clear them out', in the meantime we work towards undermining the regime whilst still surviving within it. I am convinced that by the time a new ruling elite 'comes to power' in a form we don't yet comprehend, we won't even need to physically clear them out, they will already be obsolete.

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“Defends *their* ethnic interests”.

Oof, that was a notable choice of words.

Also one of the reasons why the right is so hard to organise is because we all have delusions of grandeur. I.e. if everyone rallied around me, then everything would be fine.

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"Clear Them Out". Well, I've heard worse. And it does ally closely with my personal beliefs on Will to Power and eliminating the impure among us.

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Dear AA, Please don't charge me money to read white text on a black background, you inhuman vampire. At least give me the jolly option of not going blind!

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One always does seem to arrive at 'Clear them out." now don't they...the realization, and subsequent adherence to 'clear them out', will be that the little old lady in the library who answers the phone will have to be put on 'the line'...who wants to do that? Who's WILLING to do that?...

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What's the point of buying the book then?! You better at least autograph it for me....

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Very interesting. I couldn't help but think of the Reform Party in the UK, which has attempted to establish something of a political formula albeit a rather tepid one.

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Feb 20, 2022
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Very inspired just reading it!

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Very sad to hear this, I hope by now your IQ has increase beyond the 75 it was at the time of this poast.

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