Almost all "right-wing" content from my two decades of being a normie consisted of one thing: pointing at something and saying how ridiculous it was. Never figuring out how to defeat or stop it. Just years and years of shaking your head and saying "total clownworld am I right?" as if Cthulhu swimming left was just as out of our control as the weather or the movements of the planets. They're not. Everything that has happened since Anno Domini MCMXLV (and earlier if Moldbug is to believed, and much much earlier if Evola is to believed) has been purposely created, in whole and/or in part, by an accumulation of actual human beings. They don't want us to realize everything we despise about modernity is caused by people (who have names and addresses) not by pieces of paper, not vague "movements" or "the zeitgeist". As the saying goes: if it can bleed, we can kill it.

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The key is in identifying those centers of gravity that, if made to bleed, will collapse the enemy system.

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I’m a disciple to AA given the fact that to be any other thinker would require me to read more. Either that or I’m not a thinker at all.

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Ironically, less than a year after this was posted, the below is exactly what the AA & Parvinisphere had morphed into:

"One thing we do not need, however, are entertainers. I am talking about the Tim Pool character who simply reacts to the news and tells the audience some reflection of what they want to hear or feel....

We need people to make art and culture but we do not need clowns....

Memes serve a utility as efficient and effective propaganda but no one should ever mistake them as the reason to be around these sorts of circles. If you’re ‘in it for the memes’ alone, you’re not a serious person.....

A movement which is primarily political cannot and should not substitute for a friendship group, although I do encourage people to make friends in real life."

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