This dissection of populist naivety, especially in the age of social media, resonates deeply. It’s so frustrating, even heartbreaking, to see the same cycles of misplaced hope and self-delusion repeat over and over again.
Most human beings behave like domesticated animals. We are, in fact, domesticated animals. 2000 years ago humans were already referred to as “sheep” and “goats”. Most of us thinking and yearning for freedom are like deer or elk that got stuck in a sheep pen. We keep yearning to be free of those ‘shepards’ that fleece and cull and slaughter but most just want to eat grass.
Martin and the clique that surrounds him have always smelled funny even before the dung mashing incident. More of this "we can talk our way into power" business that pervades the radical right.
Given the commonalities in association, I'm surprised Roland Rat turned against another BAPist, but who knows maybe people will finally admit that Costin Is Jewish.
There is no such entity in existence. It’s made up by browns and third-worldists to cope for their inadequacies with regard to turning their own countries around.
AA I really like the way you use Elite Theory as a way to Predict and Explain.
What happened, why it happened and what might happen next.
As Neoliberal Feudalism said:
‘My preferred grounding mechanism is one of recursive prediction where I make predictions about the future and, to the extent I am wrong, I updates my views accordingly.’
Slop accounts always Post-Hoc Justify, which seems to be most of the internet at this point.
Fun Fact: He's a Jew. I saw him comment on another post and was curious about a peculiar comment he left. I found out his stack was full of "Muh Heckin Nazi's are bad"! and Kvetching about Anti-Zionists, ok technically the post I saw Kvetching about Anti-Zionists wasn't from was a restack from "The Judean People's front"... not to mention his reposting of videoes in Hebrew
I saw him comment on another post and was curious about a peculiar comment he left. I found out his stack was full of "Muh Heckin Nazi's are bad"! and Kvetching about Anti-Zionists, ok technically the post I saw Kvetching about Anti-Zionists wasn't from was a restack from "The Judean People's front"... not to mention his reposting of videoes in Hebrew
Fun Fact: He's a Jew. I saw him comment on another post and was curious about a peculiar comment he left. I found out his stack was full of "Muh Heckin Nazi's are bad"! and Kvetching about Anti-Zionists, ok technically the post I saw Kvetching about Anti-Zionists wasn't from was a restack from "The Judean People's front"... not to mention his reposting of videoes in Hebrew
Great article. Concisely explains how bad the discourse on the right has become. I think part of the problem is that without a dissident version of Prager U, with short distilled explanations or videos to share, average or below IQ people simply can't recall all the relevant details, and as a coping mechanism they pretend that you only need "vibes" to be educated on a topic. They double down on their ignorance and the natural consequence is that they just live in a deluded wish casting reality. This also likely fuels the emphasis on positive conspiracy ("patriots in control!") because the alternative is that we always lose and you're too stupid to figure out a solution without a leader doing it for you.
idk in normal countries the peasants are far more redpilled.
literally no one in the Slavlands trusts the politicians and no one engages in theorycelling like in the west.
typical babushka: "these politicians are all jewish thieves looting the country."
typical magapede boomer: "trump is going to arrest the tom hanks tunnel pedophiles!"
the "shining city on a hill" ideological arrogance of many westerners doesnt allow them to look at their own political system honestly. they alone have defeated corruption and created the most perfect system known to man. sure, there's a few bad apples, but once they get their guy into office, he'll fix it. *click* i wonder what's on TV tonight.
Interesting perspective. I wish my grandparents on my Polish side were still alive to ask them their take. Half of my family is still in Poland and they are convinced that Russia will march on Poland it's hard to point out counter narratives in their arguments they present me. "Poland will be next!" The next day it's "Russians are losing". The day after that it's complaining about energy prices. They are highly tuned into their corporate NGO press (The younger generation as well) while the generation of my grandparents barley read Pravda because they knew it was all lies. I don't recall my grandfather ever tuning into the news other than sports, even after communism fell. I once asked him about the Nazis and he had a more positive view and seen them as liberators to bolshevists (he was from the now Belarus part of Poland before Stalin sent them west after the war) and went on to see the Allies and Soviets rewrite history to see the Soviet Union as liberators. I noticed when I was in Poland last year that the further east I got, the more they rooted for Russia as they see Putin as repelling all the GAE craziness.
Well being an AA fan for a few years I wasn't the least bit surprised by Musk. The most we could ever have hoped for with MAGA was back to 'fresh prince'. so far, I see only things which confirm this AA analysis. Dissident friends who don't follow AA, they do seem to suffer the delusion. Others, they are just 90s liberals so they are right to be joyful.
I realize I am the peasant pretending to be a lord with a wooden sword and a torn bedsheet as a cape. I should just raise children and go hunting and leave this whole thing behind.
Captive Schemer is at worst a subversive and at best a loser Canadian whose country of origin has become the laughingstock trash pile of the western world. He spends so little time on Twitter talking about Canada, despite how bleak the situation is there for the White populists, he doesn't come up with elaborate copes for the Zionist-backed stooge Pierre. Its interesting to me why he focuses exclusively on Trump.
Your interpretation of his behavior is very charitable, I think he knows Trump is a lost cause and willfully misdirects people for his sick pleasure or for some kind of backdoor financial benefit. He's either a deeply deranged sick individual who takes pleasure in deceit and lying or he's an infiltrator agent whose job is to keep people bound to their MAGA shackles and ensure they never touch the third rail.
Unfortunately I find this all too predictable. I had figured that Trump would be selected months ago to put a wet blanket on right-wing criticism and resistance. If Kackula tried to initiate WWIII and draft the white boys into the gay army, it could've triggered a civil war or at least a mass protest and non-compliance movement that might actually become a threat. If orange Jesus does it though, it'll be "America first! Great patriotic war!" The right will split against itself, becoming ineffectual as an entire population block.
What did surprise me is how quickly and openly the "superior" techno bros shat all over Trump's fans, followed by our defiant leader of "fight fight fight!" Fame giving his unabashed support to the great H1B replacement. It just goes from bad to ugly so quick these days, can't they at least save the sodomy for the wedding night (inauguration)?
the writer's point in this article on the half-jew Captive Dreamer is precisely that Trumpians will not be shocked by this. Trump supporters are like africans in the villages, no matter what the chieftain did to others, no matter what he did even to them, no matter how sadistic, how horrible, they worship the chieftain.
I pray you're right, but if 2020 taught me anything it's to imagine the average person like a bowl of pudding gradually conforming to any shape they're put in.
The recruiting numbers are already what they are among the only combatants that matter. Now add that people are *already* mad that Carolinans are freezing and LA is burning down while we shovel money to Ukraine (and Israel). This revulsion is found both right and left. This is not a promising foundation for a large war.
While 2020 shifted my views, I also believe that the feds couldn't re-enact COVIiocy now if thy tried, and will cite current COVID gene therapy rates in support. Enough people have hit their limits, are very public about this, and have platforms where they'll be able to express that.
I do see that there's a lot more pushback than there was, hence all the stalled-out efforts at a new scamdemic (monkey pox, bird flu, and some others), but with the right pressure people will mostly fold again. I believe that a major plandemic is still not possible due to general fatigue from covid, with even the normies just getting sick of the rigmarole, but a war is easier to gin up support for. If we suffered another 9/11, or a much bigger version with a certain nation or group being blamed 24/7, with "the populists" at the helm reversing DEI in the military... things could change very quickly. Then a couple years later we might do the lockdown thing again, that's certainly coming in the future whether for plandemic, martial law, or "climate lockdowns". There isn't a grounded, organized resistance to this stuff in America at least. Believe me I've looked.
"There isn't a grounded, organized resistance to this stuff in America at least."
I think the latent potential has been rising. And with humanity's enemies focused on Trump and our social communication systems freed up, the opportunity is there. For those who are looking to start building and connecting local power, linked to an informed set that knows what's up and what time it is, now is that time.
You can bet that humanity's enemies will be trying this. So the race is on.
You realize that’s striker right? Are you still listening to TRS? Gonna become a “5%er” and join the NJP (not an actual party) so you can line their pockets and get on a federal watch list? Get real man. lol.
Surgical takedown. Very well written. The only thing I dislike is that you assume Martin is a good faith actor and not a surrogate for the Zionists to whom he preaches performative opposition.
AA knows what Martin is, he's mentioned it in other articles, but I think he's using Captive Dreamer as a stand in for actual copeservatives like Steve Turly but who he doesn't want to attack. With Captive Dreamer he has someone who he already knows is an enemy and can make an example out of without attacking a good faith actor or making needless enemies
What baffles me are those who should know better who aren't willing to accept what he is. We have zero need for the likes of him, yet some make excuses to tolerate them "strategically". This never works.
As much as I agree with AA in this piece. I still have to call him out on this Bullshit because back during the election when he went on Lotus eaters he literally talked about the same thing saying, "their going to put woke away." immigration was going to be halved at the very least.
Oh boy was his prediction wrong. Looks like Devon stack, Richard, and Yarvin were all right about Maga can you imagine my shock
EDIT: Fun Fact: Gengar_Chi is a Jew. I saw him comment on another post and was curious about a peculiar comment he left. I found out his stack was full of "Muh Heckin Nazi's are bad"! and Kvetching about Anti-Zionists, ok technically the post I saw Kvetching about Anti-Zionists wasn't from was a restack from "The Judean People's front"... not to mention his reposting of videoes in Hebrew
It's always interested to read how other important thinkers on the contemporary scene interpret Italian Elite Theory, but I have a different take on all this. I don't necessarily have a problem with influencers who peddle so-called "slop" and other such forms of incorrect analysis. Depending on the context and the sort of "lies" they are propagating, they may actually be doing something socially useful and even necessary. There are some truths the populace simply can't handle, and in such cases it is better for them (and for civilization itself) to have their congenitally tender souls and weak intellects soothed with comforting fictions. This is where the theory of myth, first broached by Sorel and later developed by Pareto, comes in. And Pareto himself once remarked that if he thought his *Trattato* would become widely read and influential, he would have refrained from publishing it. It would not be good for society if the majority of people understood and agreed with Machiavellian political analysis. It would simply be too demoralizing.
I do sometimes wonder about slop being like a gateway drug and so it might be useful. To go from complete mainstream thinking straight to AA or watching milenniyule for example, would be too big a leap for most people and off-putting/sound crazy. The slop, trans debate etc kinda prepares you for going deeper into what on earth is going on in the world! I wonder what percentage of people stay on slop content and for what percentage it is just the first rung on the ladder because it doesn't answer the deeper questions.
Also the demoralizing effect. I agree that for some it could be too much to bear. I know I have tried to share some stuff with people and they just do not want to know. I am a mum of 3 boys, teenagers at the moment, and I do wonder whether I should stop trying to figure stuff out as it is quite terrifying and can feel quite paralysing for me because I worry about them and their future. But then again, they are why I am tyring to figure it all out so hopefully I can know how best to help them. I'm still trying to figure out how a 40+ mum rides the tiger!
As just an outsider looking in, I wish to point out it was around when that Kingpilled fellow ingratiated himself with the sphere by highlighting the PayPal mafia that the Americans among us in particular started to outwardly believe in copeful nonsense. He struck me from the start as a disingenuous hype-man, but I doubt it was him alone responsible for this folly.
This is such an overreaction. Trump hasn’t even taken office yet and already all the blackpillers are acting as if they’ve been vindicated, with some of the most brazen moving of goalposts that i’ve ever seen. The very worst case scenario that could come out of this whole H-1B thing is that the silicon valley types get some pajeets to write code for them for marginally cheaper than Americans… and then what? It’s not good, but it doesn’t indicate the slightest walkback of Trumps campaign promises, including sealing the border and mass deportations.
In other words, even if the absolutely least charitable understanding of Musk’s position in this controversy is the correct one, it’s STILL an improvement over the status quo in every way! So exactly how this vindicate the “MAGA = containment” position?
Imagine a ball rolling down a hill. Amazing, isn't it? You can predict where the ball will go. You can imagine what might stop the ball, lift it, or change its course--and what won't. Some of us can do this with other things.
To give you more credit, I imagine the disagreement here comes down to what we even want, and more to the point, what we have to want whether we like it or not. Americans, much like their Anglo predecessors in the UK, have to first find their way out of their own asses if we are to be realistic about alternative possibilities to Brazilification. I say this as an American.
Whenever I hear Crypto I translate to 'Grifter' easily one of the best and easiest ways to filter con-men, I have yet to see a single impressive or worthy of respect figure push crypto, but I've seen a lot of slop and grifter shilling for it.
Though to be fair to Kingpilled, I think he said on the Pete Q show "These (Paypal Mafia) guys are not on your side but if these people are busy fighting each other they aren't focused on us", Of course, we all know how Pete Q conducted himself after Trump won (I wonder how his next stream will be, given this week) but there it is in the interest in fairness
Just checked to make sure, the most recent thing he said about Crypto is from his show "THE ASTROBLADE" the episode for the date "12/30/24" he covered the story of Bitcoin mining in Texas but he didn't really comment on it.
Although he does also have a clip talking about how the Gen X paypal mafia is gonna take over from the boomers and how they invented the blockchain. There is an old video of him with Pete Q and Cyprian/Vin Amari the later of the two is a big bitcoin/crypto guy and they do talk about Crypto amongst other things.
Don't remember if he said anything in his appearances with Pete Q/Prudentialist that made me think he's a Crypto/bitcoin guy but that's what shows up from the jump
I know nothing about his association with crypto. I only got the impression that he is skilled at saying what people want to hear within what they are willing to believe.
Liberal Democracy is just rule by the Merchant class.
Democrat oligarchs: infinity Mexicans
Republican oligarchs: infinity Indians
Left/Democrat - hordes of low IQ browns and blacks
"Right"/Rep - hordes of "high IQ" browns and yellows
You're getting fucked one way or another and you're going to learn to like.
This dissection of populist naivety, especially in the age of social media, resonates deeply. It’s so frustrating, even heartbreaking, to see the same cycles of misplaced hope and self-delusion repeat over and over again.
Most human beings behave like domesticated animals. We are, in fact, domesticated animals. 2000 years ago humans were already referred to as “sheep” and “goats”. Most of us thinking and yearning for freedom are like deer or elk that got stuck in a sheep pen. We keep yearning to be free of those ‘shepards’ that fleece and cull and slaughter but most just want to eat grass.
Hey! I am not the only Oregonian here!
Oh, I'm here as well. We Outliers are numerous in this state but quiet so the cultists leave us alone.
Maybe someday we who are few will be manu
Martin and the clique that surrounds him have always smelled funny even before the dung mashing incident. More of this "we can talk our way into power" business that pervades the radical right.
Given the commonalities in association, I'm surprised Roland Rat turned against another BAPist, but who knows maybe people will finally admit that Costin Is Jewish.
Costin has posted his half Jewish 23&me results alongside his baptism certificate
Baptism doesn’t count, One Drop, Full Stop.
This is value-free information.
Then value-free yourself off a fucking cliffside you cuck.
What was the dung mashing incident? When they attacked everyone against Zionism as brown?
Looking like Devon Stack was right.
Was there ever any doubt
What did he say?
Essentially that Trump is GAE not MAGA.
What is GAE?
Global American Empire AKA globalhomo.
There is no such entity in existence. It’s made up by browns and third-worldists to cope for their inadequacies with regard to turning their own countries around.
The whole Third Worldist complaint is BAPist bullshittery used to Defend Jews.
somewhere in these Texts is an essay describing the G.A.E. It's worth digging up
GAE is a BAPist term to cuck out to the Jews. It is the ZOG, it has always been the ZOG.
Since Alexander cut that deal way back
AA I really like the way you use Elite Theory as a way to Predict and Explain.
What happened, why it happened and what might happen next.
As Neoliberal Feudalism said:
‘My preferred grounding mechanism is one of recursive prediction where I make predictions about the future and, to the extent I am wrong, I updates my views accordingly.’
Slop accounts always Post-Hoc Justify, which seems to be most of the internet at this point.
Thank you, retard. Very Cool
I don't think that's true at all.
Fun Fact: He's a Jew. I saw him comment on another post and was curious about a peculiar comment he left. I found out his stack was full of "Muh Heckin Nazi's are bad"! and Kvetching about Anti-Zionists, ok technically the post I saw Kvetching about Anti-Zionists wasn't from was a restack from "The Judean People's front"... not to mention his reposting of videoes in Hebrew
says who?
The Jew you replied to
I saw him comment on another post and was curious about a peculiar comment he left. I found out his stack was full of "Muh Heckin Nazi's are bad"! and Kvetching about Anti-Zionists, ok technically the post I saw Kvetching about Anti-Zionists wasn't from was a restack from "The Judean People's front"... not to mention his reposting of videoes in Hebrew
Lmao do you know anything about England
Fun Fact: He's a Jew. I saw him comment on another post and was curious about a peculiar comment he left. I found out his stack was full of "Muh Heckin Nazi's are bad"! and Kvetching about Anti-Zionists, ok technically the post I saw Kvetching about Anti-Zionists wasn't from was a restack from "The Judean People's front"... not to mention his reposting of videoes in Hebrew
Excellent article.
There will be no crystals. The crystals are not real. All what I call “performative right-ism”. A form of RW virtual signaling
You're a Hopium Addict, you have 21 days supply left. After that, Eternal Misery.
Get in the Black Iron Soul Prison.
Great article. Concisely explains how bad the discourse on the right has become. I think part of the problem is that without a dissident version of Prager U, with short distilled explanations or videos to share, average or below IQ people simply can't recall all the relevant details, and as a coping mechanism they pretend that you only need "vibes" to be educated on a topic. They double down on their ignorance and the natural consequence is that they just live in a deluded wish casting reality. This also likely fuels the emphasis on positive conspiracy ("patriots in control!") because the alternative is that we always lose and you're too stupid to figure out a solution without a leader doing it for you.
idk in normal countries the peasants are far more redpilled.
literally no one in the Slavlands trusts the politicians and no one engages in theorycelling like in the west.
typical babushka: "these politicians are all jewish thieves looting the country."
typical magapede boomer: "trump is going to arrest the tom hanks tunnel pedophiles!"
the "shining city on a hill" ideological arrogance of many westerners doesnt allow them to look at their own political system honestly. they alone have defeated corruption and created the most perfect system known to man. sure, there's a few bad apples, but once they get their guy into office, he'll fix it. *click* i wonder what's on TV tonight.
Interesting perspective. I wish my grandparents on my Polish side were still alive to ask them their take. Half of my family is still in Poland and they are convinced that Russia will march on Poland it's hard to point out counter narratives in their arguments they present me. "Poland will be next!" The next day it's "Russians are losing". The day after that it's complaining about energy prices. They are highly tuned into their corporate NGO press (The younger generation as well) while the generation of my grandparents barley read Pravda because they knew it was all lies. I don't recall my grandfather ever tuning into the news other than sports, even after communism fell. I once asked him about the Nazis and he had a more positive view and seen them as liberators to bolshevists (he was from the now Belarus part of Poland before Stalin sent them west after the war) and went on to see the Allies and Soviets rewrite history to see the Soviet Union as liberators. I noticed when I was in Poland last year that the further east I got, the more they rooted for Russia as they see Putin as repelling all the GAE craziness.
you should read my blog about putin
Brit living in Bulgaria - with Bulgarians not in the expat community - who confirms this 100% true.
Well being an AA fan for a few years I wasn't the least bit surprised by Musk. The most we could ever have hoped for with MAGA was back to 'fresh prince'. so far, I see only things which confirm this AA analysis. Dissident friends who don't follow AA, they do seem to suffer the delusion. Others, they are just 90s liberals so they are right to be joyful.
I realize I am the peasant pretending to be a lord with a wooden sword and a torn bedsheet as a cape. I should just raise children and go hunting and leave this whole thing behind.
“Just get a billion dollars, work hard and learn how to use it.”
Reminder that Eugine Nier is Jewish.
Lol, shut the fuck up Jewgene.
Lol, whatever Jewgene. You're Jewish. You worship a Jewish Volcano Demon. You're Anti-White and you should be shoved in an oven.
Captive Schemer is at worst a subversive and at best a loser Canadian whose country of origin has become the laughingstock trash pile of the western world. He spends so little time on Twitter talking about Canada, despite how bleak the situation is there for the White populists, he doesn't come up with elaborate copes for the Zionist-backed stooge Pierre. Its interesting to me why he focuses exclusively on Trump.
Your interpretation of his behavior is very charitable, I think he knows Trump is a lost cause and willfully misdirects people for his sick pleasure or for some kind of backdoor financial benefit. He's either a deeply deranged sick individual who takes pleasure in deceit and lying or he's an infiltrator agent whose job is to keep people bound to their MAGA shackles and ensure they never touch the third rail.
Unfortunately I find this all too predictable. I had figured that Trump would be selected months ago to put a wet blanket on right-wing criticism and resistance. If Kackula tried to initiate WWIII and draft the white boys into the gay army, it could've triggered a civil war or at least a mass protest and non-compliance movement that might actually become a threat. If orange Jesus does it though, it'll be "America first! Great patriotic war!" The right will split against itself, becoming ineffectual as an entire population block.
What did surprise me is how quickly and openly the "superior" techno bros shat all over Trump's fans, followed by our defiant leader of "fight fight fight!" Fame giving his unabashed support to the great H1B replacement. It just goes from bad to ugly so quick these days, can't they at least save the sodomy for the wedding night (inauguration)?
Trump is not going to save everyone. Trumpenproles will be shocked by this.
Trump will face many of the same challenges as Countess Kackula if he tries to call a war. Our junk “elite” will be shocked by this.
the writer's point in this article on the half-jew Captive Dreamer is precisely that Trumpians will not be shocked by this. Trump supporters are like africans in the villages, no matter what the chieftain did to others, no matter what he did even to them, no matter how sadistic, how horrible, they worship the chieftain.
I pray you're right, but if 2020 taught me anything it's to imagine the average person like a bowl of pudding gradually conforming to any shape they're put in.
The recruiting numbers are already what they are among the only combatants that matter. Now add that people are *already* mad that Carolinans are freezing and LA is burning down while we shovel money to Ukraine (and Israel). This revulsion is found both right and left. This is not a promising foundation for a large war.
While 2020 shifted my views, I also believe that the feds couldn't re-enact COVIiocy now if thy tried, and will cite current COVID gene therapy rates in support. Enough people have hit their limits, are very public about this, and have platforms where they'll be able to express that.
I do see that there's a lot more pushback than there was, hence all the stalled-out efforts at a new scamdemic (monkey pox, bird flu, and some others), but with the right pressure people will mostly fold again. I believe that a major plandemic is still not possible due to general fatigue from covid, with even the normies just getting sick of the rigmarole, but a war is easier to gin up support for. If we suffered another 9/11, or a much bigger version with a certain nation or group being blamed 24/7, with "the populists" at the helm reversing DEI in the military... things could change very quickly. Then a couple years later we might do the lockdown thing again, that's certainly coming in the future whether for plandemic, martial law, or "climate lockdowns". There isn't a grounded, organized resistance to this stuff in America at least. Believe me I've looked.
"There isn't a grounded, organized resistance to this stuff in America at least."
I think the latent potential has been rising. And with humanity's enemies focused on Trump and our social communication systems freed up, the opportunity is there. For those who are looking to start building and connecting local power, linked to an informed set that knows what's up and what time it is, now is that time.
You can bet that humanity's enemies will be trying this. So the race is on.
This right here is why you along with Joseph Jordan and Thomas777 are in my top 3 on the right
Lol, TRSodomites gonna TRSodomite. Joseph Jordan cucks out to Jews in the Baussman Barn.
You realize that’s striker right? Are you still listening to TRS? Gonna become a “5%er” and join the NJP (not an actual party) so you can line their pockets and get on a federal watch list? Get real man. lol.
It’s not 2021 anymore lol there’s not even that and Striker is no longer associated with the network, just take or leave the analysis
Lol, TRSodomites gonna TRSodomite. Joseph Jordan cucks out to Jews in the Baussman Barn.
Striker's predictions are accurate and his analysis is excellent. That's good enough for me.
Lol, TRSodomites gonna TRSodomite. Joseph Jordan cucks out to Jews in the Baussman Barn.
Lol, TRSodomites are always TRSodomites.
Surgical takedown. Very well written. The only thing I dislike is that you assume Martin is a good faith actor and not a surrogate for the Zionists to whom he preaches performative opposition.
AA knows what Martin is, he's mentioned it in other articles, but I think he's using Captive Dreamer as a stand in for actual copeservatives like Steve Turly but who he doesn't want to attack. With Captive Dreamer he has someone who he already knows is an enemy and can make an example out of without attacking a good faith actor or making needless enemies
What baffles me are those who should know better who aren't willing to accept what he is. We have zero need for the likes of him, yet some make excuses to tolerate them "strategically". This never works.
That and he's a BAPist who can't go against Costin too hard, but he can swat at proxies.
As much as I agree with AA in this piece. I still have to call him out on this Bullshit because back during the election when he went on Lotus eaters he literally talked about the same thing saying, "their going to put woke away." immigration was going to be halved at the very least.
Oh boy was his prediction wrong. Looks like Devon stack, Richard, and Yarvin were all right about Maga can you imagine my shock
Show where AA said immigration would be reduced? Don't think he said this
Don't forget Joseph "Eric Striker" Jordan in that list
Lol, TRSodomites gonna TRSodomite. Joseph Jordan cucks out to Jews in the Baussman Barn.
Thank you, Retard
Very Cool
EDIT: Fun Fact: Gengar_Chi is a Jew. I saw him comment on another post and was curious about a peculiar comment he left. I found out his stack was full of "Muh Heckin Nazi's are bad"! and Kvetching about Anti-Zionists, ok technically the post I saw Kvetching about Anti-Zionists wasn't from was a restack from "The Judean People's front"... not to mention his reposting of videoes in Hebrew
It's always interested to read how other important thinkers on the contemporary scene interpret Italian Elite Theory, but I have a different take on all this. I don't necessarily have a problem with influencers who peddle so-called "slop" and other such forms of incorrect analysis. Depending on the context and the sort of "lies" they are propagating, they may actually be doing something socially useful and even necessary. There are some truths the populace simply can't handle, and in such cases it is better for them (and for civilization itself) to have their congenitally tender souls and weak intellects soothed with comforting fictions. This is where the theory of myth, first broached by Sorel and later developed by Pareto, comes in. And Pareto himself once remarked that if he thought his *Trattato* would become widely read and influential, he would have refrained from publishing it. It would not be good for society if the majority of people understood and agreed with Machiavellian political analysis. It would simply be too demoralizing.
I do sometimes wonder about slop being like a gateway drug and so it might be useful. To go from complete mainstream thinking straight to AA or watching milenniyule for example, would be too big a leap for most people and off-putting/sound crazy. The slop, trans debate etc kinda prepares you for going deeper into what on earth is going on in the world! I wonder what percentage of people stay on slop content and for what percentage it is just the first rung on the ladder because it doesn't answer the deeper questions.
Also the demoralizing effect. I agree that for some it could be too much to bear. I know I have tried to share some stuff with people and they just do not want to know. I am a mum of 3 boys, teenagers at the moment, and I do wonder whether I should stop trying to figure stuff out as it is quite terrifying and can feel quite paralysing for me because I worry about them and their future. But then again, they are why I am tyring to figure it all out so hopefully I can know how best to help them. I'm still trying to figure out how a 40+ mum rides the tiger!
100% agree about the function of slop, and also the classical liberal / centrist dad tier.
Ladders have rungs
As just an outsider looking in, I wish to point out it was around when that Kingpilled fellow ingratiated himself with the sphere by highlighting the PayPal mafia that the Americans among us in particular started to outwardly believe in copeful nonsense. He struck me from the start as a disingenuous hype-man, but I doubt it was him alone responsible for this folly.
This is such an overreaction. Trump hasn’t even taken office yet and already all the blackpillers are acting as if they’ve been vindicated, with some of the most brazen moving of goalposts that i’ve ever seen. The very worst case scenario that could come out of this whole H-1B thing is that the silicon valley types get some pajeets to write code for them for marginally cheaper than Americans… and then what? It’s not good, but it doesn’t indicate the slightest walkback of Trumps campaign promises, including sealing the border and mass deportations.
In other words, even if the absolutely least charitable understanding of Musk’s position in this controversy is the correct one, it’s STILL an improvement over the status quo in every way! So exactly how this vindicate the “MAGA = containment” position?
Exactly this bitterness seems unwarranted considering Trump isn't even an office yet. More likely Musk totally overstepped his station.
Imagine a ball rolling down a hill. Amazing, isn't it? You can predict where the ball will go. You can imagine what might stop the ball, lift it, or change its course--and what won't. Some of us can do this with other things.
To give you more credit, I imagine the disagreement here comes down to what we even want, and more to the point, what we have to want whether we like it or not. Americans, much like their Anglo predecessors in the UK, have to first find their way out of their own asses if we are to be realistic about alternative possibilities to Brazilification. I say this as an American.
Whenever I hear Crypto I translate to 'Grifter' easily one of the best and easiest ways to filter con-men, I have yet to see a single impressive or worthy of respect figure push crypto, but I've seen a lot of slop and grifter shilling for it.
Though to be fair to Kingpilled, I think he said on the Pete Q show "These (Paypal Mafia) guys are not on your side but if these people are busy fighting each other they aren't focused on us", Of course, we all know how Pete Q conducted himself after Trump won (I wonder how his next stream will be, given this week) but there it is in the interest in fairness
He’s got literally nothing to do with crypto of any sort
Just checked to make sure, the most recent thing he said about Crypto is from his show "THE ASTROBLADE" the episode for the date "12/30/24" he covered the story of Bitcoin mining in Texas but he didn't really comment on it.
Although he does also have a clip talking about how the Gen X paypal mafia is gonna take over from the boomers and how they invented the blockchain. There is an old video of him with Pete Q and Cyprian/Vin Amari the later of the two is a big bitcoin/crypto guy and they do talk about Crypto amongst other things.
Don't remember if he said anything in his appearances with Pete Q/Prudentialist that made me think he's a Crypto/bitcoin guy but that's what shows up from the jump
I know nothing about his association with crypto. I only got the impression that he is skilled at saying what people want to hear within what they are willing to believe.
Bingo! To me, after listening to him a couple of times, I figured he was a paid toady of the Tech Bros within the Trump benefactor network.
I was just looking at KPs views for his livestreams on YT over the past year. Interesting.