My normie friends have been trained by the BBC to jump on any sign of the conspiracy theory in order to discount an entire argument. The conspiracy frame is therefore very toxic when used around Midwits. It is an anti red pill for a lot of people. If I merely use the word "they" to describe a group of people exercising power my friends think I am invoking hidden dark forces and am therefore literally mad.

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His normie friends were trained by the BBC? Stopped for a solid minute of American laughter before I remembered there is such thing as a BRITISH BROADCAST CORPORATION

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Dec 12, 2023·edited Dec 12, 2023

It is an extremely Unhidden Hand. It's all out in the open, Dr.P just hasn't Done The Reading.

The Rhodes/Milner-Rothschilds-Fabian group proclaimed, in statements recorded by the New York Times in 1902, that they formed their society for the purpose of "gradually absorbing the wealth of the world".

The idea that polities should be run by a network of "secret societies" governed by a 'council of the elect' which operates out of the public eye goes back to Plato's Republic and Laws - this is repeatedly referenced by The Elites themselves & observed in a historically literate reading of e.g. post-Renaissance Europe.

"Power by its nature does not like to be hidden, it likes to show itself and let the world know it is in power. For what possible reason would it need to be hidden?"

This is silly projection. It needs to be hidden so there is no accountability or consequences for the people controlling the super-majority of resources. They can allow some or even all their agents to fail in times of unpredictable chaos & upheaval, then just wait till the dust settles & support another horse.

A historical example of this is The Rothschilds entry in to America - they faced massive popular, publicised backlash & anti-monopoly / foreign ownership 'trustbusting' political movement, which led to them withdrawing & working with Rockefeller, Morgan, Carnegie, DuPont, Ford etc as their USA agents.

"When some smart alec pops up and tells me ‘you know they aren’t really in charge’ without providing an iota of evidence, I start to get very annoyed."

There are, literally, >>10,000 pages of books & whitepapers written over the past 100 years by The Elites themselves, from David Rockerfeller apex-tier leaders to Capo & lower level apologists (eg Quigley) to internal "whistle-blowers" & external academic critics (eg Sutton).

Jay Dyer (plus Richard Gove & James Corbett) have done 100s of hours of livestreams lecturing through 60+ books which outline the extremely well documented primary & secondary sources for this thing DrP is unaware of.

The short version is that The British Empire was too large & sprawling to be centrally coordinated by the British State with 19thcentury communication technology, so agency was decentralized into the "State Chartered" corporations like the Dutch East India company - which combined the resources & military of The State with the decisionism of local Managers & colonial administrators.

The (J&nonJ) European Financial Cartel run by the Rothschilds allied with the British Aristocracy, the new class of post-industrial revolution Oligarchs, the British colonial administrators & the Fabian Socialists to eventually defacto privatize the British Empire & use it as a "meta-technology" to spread Fabianism globally, with the ultimate aim of recapturing the USA & having that as their main base of operations. They are explicitly (in their own words) anti-Christian, anti-Autocracy & anti-particularism, which is why the likes of Gottfried mischaracterise the 'political formula' of the current ruling class as "Anti-Fascism".

There are 10-15 or so families who have, for at least 200 years, occupied the upper echelons of the Global Governance Network & thus shared the compounded monopoly profits on the international trade in war financing, war profiteering, resource extraction, people trafficking, drug trafficking & central banking.

Dr.P is claiming that these 1000s of $Trillions somehow disappeared in The Aether around the time of WW1 & the people holding absolute power over world affairs through the post 1913 institutions all somehow dissolved that power BECAUSE REASONS and retired without passing it on.

Tony Blair is a Fabian Socialist, an ideology / political formula which merges Austrian Economics with the Marxist religion of Dialectical Materialism. He publicly venerated George Bernard Shaw & said he's working to continue his legacy, is a protégé of Kissinger and a top Capo within the Fabian Socialist network. He inherited this power, he didn't manifest it through muh wIlLtOpOwEr.

Some scholarly, intro-101 tier books which explain how this international NGO power-network wasn't created by him (LOL) but in fact preceded him by ~100 years are:

"Fabian Freeway: High Road to Socialism in the U.S.A. 1884-1966" - Rose L. Martin, 1966

"Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time" - Carroll Quigley, 1966

"The Anglo-American Establishment: From Rhodes to Cliveden" - Carroll Quigley, 1981

---Most of Prof. Anthony Sutton's books: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antony_C._Sutton#Books including:

"Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, 1917–1930" (1968)

"Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, 1930–1945" (1971)

"Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, 1945–1965" (1973)

"National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union" (1973)

"Wars and Revolutions: A Comprehensive List of Conflicts, Including Fatalities, Part One: 1820 to 1900" (1973)

"Wars and Revolutions: A Comprehensive List of Conflicts, Including Fatalities, Part Two: 1900 to 1972" (1973)

"Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution" (1974)

"Wall Street and FDR" (1975)

"Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler "(1976)

"Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order" - F. William Engdahl, 2009

"Gods of Money: Wall Street and the Death of the American Century" - F. William Engdahl, 2010

"The Milner-Fabian Conspiracy" - Ioan Ratiu, 2016

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This one resonated deeply with me, as I've been deep into any number of conspiracy rabbit holes. One thing you quickly discover is there's usually a rabbit. Or a whole nest. Or the hole ties into an adjoining rabbit hole. Since the rabbits don't want to be caught, they lay traps and dig blind alley tunnels and install halls of mirrors. And on it goes. A major problem is that most of these 'theories' are rooted in documented or admitted fact, but the recursive nature of researching them is much like computer MMOs which never let you finish a quest but rather tempt with endless side quests. Try and sort out what really happened to Mustache Man ends up taking you into the improbabilities of the 'Holocaust', German atomic weapons (plenty of documentary evidence, yet endlessly denied) with obvious blind alleys like bases in Antarctica -which may easily take you to 'Just why is it really that you can't sail your yacht to Antarctica and sight see around. OR fly your Gulfstream around and have a look? This could easily take you into the mystery of the Piri Re'is map. And before you know it you're a dinosaur denier!

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All of the reptilian, flat earther and kook nonsense aside. I think the reason the conspiracy frame has a great deal of relevance is that people like Tony Blair and Bill Gates are clearly a continuation of a larger agenda. Bill Gates has spoken of the need for population reduction many times but clearly isn't an idea he's just cooked up himself.

For example in this National Security Study Memorandum from 1974 which was arranged by Henry Kissinger the plans for the USA and the UN to pursue global population reduction are laid out. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7c/National_Security_Study_Memorandum_200.pdf

Videos about the Masons and Rothschilds might not be censored but it's interesting that it's Alex Jones who gets taken out.

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Even Alex Jones is not taken out many times.

His 9/11 doc is on youtube, as are many others with sometimes millions of views.


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LOL, since you posted that video the Alex Jones documentary "9/11: The Road to Tyranny (2002)" & 11 other credible videos on that playlist have been deleted from YouTube!

The public-domain evidence for 9/11 being a false-flag is freely available & overwhelming.

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Jul 24, 2022·edited Jul 24, 2022

Merkel went on record saying that multiculturalism has failed. A little later, she clicked her heels and waved in millions of migrants.

How can this be explained other than that she received new marching orders?

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Multiculturalism has failed, but we still are all for open borders are we cannot show ourselves in polite society any more.

Not a big mystery.

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She could have just paid lip service. To initiate a new "Völkerwanderung" is a sign of supreme devotion...

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It is a waste of time. And dinosaurs never existed.

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