I have started this Substack as a space for me to write down my more strategic and analytical thoughts about whatever is going on. I have never been one to keep a diary or journal, I am generally ‘bad’ at submitting articles, since I like working on bigger projects like books. Almost everything here will remain behind a paywall. It is important at the present time to be as anti-fragile as possible and this requires maintaining a monetised presence on different platforms – Substack offers a neat way of keeping in touch with my most serious audience – while providing a neat mechanism to keep out abject riffraff and peasants.
I have set myself some general ‘ground rules’ for this project. I am sharing them in the hope that it will create some pressure to stick to them. I am a wayward and whimsical character at the best of times. These rules are:
1. Write at least once a month.
2. No article will be longer than 2,000 words.
3. Don’t redraft, which is to say: keep whatever copy is written ‘true’ to the moment in which it is written.
4. Remember to share old video scripts from time to time.
5. No linking. I dislike this old tendency from Moldbug et al.
6. Footnotes only where absolutely necessary. Since I am not writing in the academic mode here, I will do my best to keep notes to a minimum, but ingrained habits die hard friends.
Now, for those who somehow got here who do not know me from my YouTube channel, I am afraid to say that there is a fair bit of lingo to which you will have to acclimatise yourself. You see, on YouTube, we work under the ever-watchful EYE OF SUSAN and therefore have developed certain turns of phrase so as not to upset the algorithmic overlords. Since we live in a world of disgusting and spiteful spies, it will be necessary to maintain some of this lingo even here on Substack and even though we are writing, for the most part, behind a paywall. I will not listen to any complaining about this whatsoever, and, frankly, if you cannot work out what most of the lingo is getting at through contextual clues you likely do not deserve to be reading this at all. So, get out. Go on, go and watch Tim Pool, out with you!
Still, there are certain concepts that even context will not grant you and I will in my benevolence outline some of them here. First, boomer truth or the boomer truth regime refers to the episteme under which we have been suffering since 1945. In this episteme the summum bonum, the ultimate moral good, is something like individual self-expression unmoored from societal constraint. In its most depraved manifestation we might imagine the grotesque defender of the regime, Vaush – a hog-like neck-bearded YouTuber – defending paedophilia and questioning sexual age-of-consent laws. The ultimate evil in this regime is represented by the Mid-Century Germans and their terrible monstrous leader Moustache Man. This would not be so much of a problem if the concept remained tied to that old and discredited regime but, as Paul Gottfried has shown at length in two excellent books,[1] it has expanded to include almost anything Christian, white, European, and heteronormative. As the prophet and shaman of our times, Thomas777 has said, after 1945 the right-wing was basically banned in Europe and America.[2] The defence of tradition, home and hearth, cultural heritage, tribe or people, hierarchy, and so on was replaced by the nonsense New Right coalition of William F. Buckley and his friends, an alliance of beltway libertarians, insane Cold War hawks and, let us just say intense fans of Israel. Another way of viewing the Buckleyite coalition would be to recast it as the right as antifascism, or, if you want to put it another way, the conservative wing of ANTIFA. In the Buckleyite conception, any reference to race was seen as a regression to fascism, while fascism itself was recast as a left-wing movement by fraudulent beneficiaries of nepotism such as Jonah Goldberg.[3] The Buckleyite coalition tried to give their ‘anti-fascism’ a masculine muscularity. Jonathan Bowden noted that boomer truth has been very adept at co-opting what are effectively fascist traits in the service of antifascism.[4]
All this American nonsense was then exported to Britain and Europe. Every establishment ‘right-wing’ party in the GAE (Global American Empire) was recast in Buckley’s image, wedding corporation-friendly Chicago-school economics with this militant anti-fascism. There was an onus on right-wing parties to prove that they were not antisemitic and, in most cases, this was done by publicly pledging peasant-like fealty to Israel. I say all this not to try to recover fascism, nor because I have any sympathy with fascism, but only to show how boomer truth manifested itself with an essentially fake right-wing. Because what antifascism amounts to is not, as one might think, opposition to fascism – which has been dead, let us not forget since 1945 – but rather any and all attempts to protect tradition and cultural heritage, social and moral norms, and the ancestral homelands of the Europeans. Antifascism, then, is like a poison a society can inject to kill its natural antibodies against threats. We will surely return to the forces behind this in a later post, but for now it is enough to recognise that what has counted as ‘right-wing’ in the West since 1945 has been, in fact, an imperial project to dissolve tradition around the world. In fact, so fake was the right-wing in terms of actually being right-wing that, in retrospect, in many cases, we can turn to left-wing dissidents of the past for more ‘red-pilled’ takes.
For example, in the early 2000s, the left in the USA were deeply critical of the neo-conservatives and George W. Bush. Naturally, comparisons with moustache man abounded – in fact, if you want to read about it, Alain de Benoist wrote a book about how they tried to do this through Leo Strauss’s connections with Carl Schmitt[5] – but if you ignore the ideological trappings of the critique for a moment, the left saw the neo-cons for what they were: hyper-liberal progressive tyrants trying to bomb the middle-east into democracy. So much is this is the case that films of that era – let us say the unfairly maligned prequel Star Wars trilogy directed by the unfairly maligned hog-face George Lucas – are among the more ‘red-pilled’ that you can watch these days. Palpatine was George W. Bush, the emergency powers invoked were the same as the ones he used, the opposition in the Clone Wars were manufactured just as the neo-cons manufactured evidence for WMDs, they always play both sides and so on. This is an old take, but it’s old enough to be new again. Mr Plinkett was regime containment serving to misdirect you from the correct take on the prequels. I am surprised that they have not been retroactively denounced by the ADL. In any case, it should be obvious that there was nothing remotely ‘conservative’ about the neo-conservatives. They were, are, and always have been, abject leftists. Since they have occupied the ‘right-wing’ slot for most of the time since 1945, it is important to understand that our political system can only be understood as a kind of Dumb and Dumber, or, if you like, Left and Lefter.
In any case, we have digressed and strayed from the original topic. Writing in this form may allow me to do that. In academic prose one dislikes to meander but perhaps here is the correct venue to do so. I was outlining some lingo. I think I’ve introduced enough lingo. Hopefully, I have dissuaded peasants from reading my stuff. Almost all subsequent posts will be paid only. I like to be Paid in Full like Eric B, although unlike him I actually do produce my own work. Right, that’ll do pig. Now get out.
[1] See Paul Gottfried, Fascism: The Career of a Concept (Ithaca, IL: Northern Illinois University Press, 2017) and Antifascism: The Course of a Crusade (Ithaca, IL: Northern Illinois University Press, 2021).
[2] See https://realthomas777.substack.com/.
[3] See his absurd book Jonah Goldberg, Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning (New York and London: Penguin, 2009).
[4] This is the theme that runs through the articles collected in Jonathan Bowden, Pulp Fascism: Right-Wing Themes in Comics, Graphic Novels, & Popular Literature (San Francisco, CA: Counter Currents, 2013).
[5] Alain de Benoist, Carl Schmitt Today: Terrorism, ‘Just War’ and the State of Emergency (London: Arktos Media, 2013).
"Don’t redraft, which is to say: keep whatever copy is written ‘true’ to the moment in which it is written."
I guess it's useless to complain about not capitalizing White.
Anyways for anyone new wandering onto this page: Remember, just because you don't like Mustache Man and Thicker Mustache Man, doesn't mean you have to submit to Wheelchair Man's faction just because they were the ones to win and inherit the Earth.
I actually appreciate your footnotes....please keep them.